
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Wood Green

Wood Green Rocks a Pink Tutu for Pride: A Day of Sparkle and Solidarity

Hello lovelies!

Emma here, back with a post bursting with the vibrant energy of Pride month! You know me, Iā€™m always one to bring a little extra flair to life's celebrations, and June Pride was no exception. This year, I donned my very best pink tutu and joined the wonderful festivities in Wood Green, ready to paint the townā€¦ well, maybe not paint, but certainly sparkle with pride!

Right from the moment I stepped onto the parade route, the infectious rhythm of disco classics, pumped through speakers, set my heart racing. The air crackled with an electrifying blend of colour, music, and good vibes, it was electric. The entire parade, it felt like the entire world had converged to celebrate individuality, diversity, and pure unadulterated joy. Every single person ā€“ young and old, from across the rainbow spectrum - radiating pure sunshine, it was incredible.

There I was, twirling in my pink tulle paradise, amongst families pushing brightly decorated prams, groups of friends with elaborate costumes, and a gaggle of drag queens serving fierce face-defining realness! Honestly, the level of creativity and commitment to self-expression was mind-blowing! I even caught a glimpse of one fellow Tutu enthusiast, who had designed her tulle masterpiece to resemble the Pride flag! Absolutely stunning! The level of artistic talent, and passion was so inspiring. I'm a huge supporter of the #tututuesday hashtag, which promotes tutus and all things pink for Pride, but she blew me away.

My pink tutu proved a total conversation starter! Everyone was so happy to see a bit of whimsy, a splash of sparkle on the route! I chatted with so many amazing individuals who shared their experiences, their hopes and their dreams for a brighter future, and it was honestly inspiring.

Itā€™s not just about the glitter and the rainbows, it's a moment to reflect and celebrate how far weā€™ve come. It's a testament to the courage of those who fought for equality and a chance to appreciate the progress that has been made in securing basic human rights for the LGBTQ+ community.

However, there are still so many issues we need to tackle. There's still discrimination, inequality, and a need for further societal changes that guarantee real freedom and equality for every person, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. That's why Pride is so crucial. It's a force for change!

Even more than the incredible atmosphere and community spirit, the most moving part of the parade for me, was seeing parents and children united together, openly celebrating pride. There were so many youngsters holding up rainbow flags and cheering loudly as the parade marched through the streets. Seeing that kind of inclusive love in action, filled my heart with so much hope for a future that embraced every single person for who they are. It showed that the younger generation has a very different and enlightened way of thinking and that it's about to usher in a more tolerant and understanding world.

Of course, being the ultimate party girl that I am, the after-party at the Wood Green Town Hall was incredible! The whole place was transforming into a vibrant kaleidoscope of disco balls, music, and fabulous people. It's the ultimate place to lose yourself in a whirlwind of dancing, laughter, and acceptance!

We all need that kind of safe and inclusive space. Somewhere where we can freely express ourselves and celebrate all that is unique and fabulous about us.

And speaking of fabulousness, the Pride festivities brought so much attention to local businesses that have long been part of the Wood Green community. I particularly loved popping into "Queer Street", a small bookshop that hosted an author signing event. It was heartwarming to see the local community supporting their own and making the parade even more special.

To say I felt a bit of a pink tulle princess surrounded by such inspiring people is an understatement. Itā€™s hard to explain that kind of collective feeling of solidarity and pride.

Wood Green, you are truly a gem, and Iā€™m so grateful to have been a part of this wonderful day. Until next time, keep spreading love, positivity, and sparkle!

WoodGreenPride #Tututuesday #TutuPride #LGBTQIA #LoveWins #BeYourself

But wait, thereā€™s more!

You know Iā€™m all about celebrating the ā€œtutu-fulā€ details, so hereā€™s my roundup of some of the fabulous and inspiring moments of Pride 2024 in Wood Green, through the lens of a proud Tutu Queen.

  • Best Dressed? Without a doubt, a group of friends who managed to combine their outfits into a gigantic moving version of the Pride flag! I couldnā€™t take my eyes off them! It was such an amazing and powerful expression of the colours and diversity of the community.

  • Best Dance Move? The collective ā€œwaveā€ during the parade was epic! The way thousands of people swayed to the music was absolutely mesmerising. It captured that vibe of a united community.

  • Most Inspiring Story? A heartwarming encounter with a young woman who explained how coming out to her parents during the last Pride parade in Wood Green had completely transformed her family dynamic. It really touched me and demonstrated the transformative power of honesty, openness, and love.

  • Biggest Lesson Learned? We still have a lot of work to do! This is not the time to be complacent! While the atmosphere at Pride is incredible, it is a constant reminder of all that needs to be accomplished to secure the future for LGBTQ+ individuals. We need to continue raising awareness and demanding real changes.

So, my fellow sparkle-lovers, what are you waiting for? Join the movement! Letā€™s keep the party going! This year's Pride month felt like an important reminder that we can create the world we want. So go forth, be fabulous, embrace every bit of your sparkle and shine bright! I canā€™t wait to see you all at the next tutu-filled Pride celebration!

A final note from Emma, to her readers: While this post has been light-hearted and celebratory, I also wanted to remind everyone that this year's Pride celebrations come during a particularly challenging period for the LGBTQ+ community. The wave of anti-LGBTQIA rhetoric across the globe and within our own society is something we must address head on. Let's make our voices heard, and fight back against bigotry and prejudice in all forms! Every step we take, every voice raised for change brings us closer to the more inclusive, tolerant and fair society we all deserve!

Please be aware, the following section is the opinion of Emma, as a professional dancer who blogs, it should not be considered to be a substitute for professional advice on LGBT issues, and she suggests you reach out to LGBT+ organisations for information and support:

  • Emma acknowledges that not everyone can or chooses to be openly celebratory about their sexuality. There are different expressions and journeys. The importance of allies who champion inclusivity and fight against injustice is something she believes is key.

  • She is proud to have contributed towards raising funds for an LGBTQIA+ youth shelter in Wood Green during Pride month and encouraged everyone to support local LGBTQ+ charities and organisations by donating or volunteering.

If you want more information about LGBT issues or how to be an active and responsible ally in a time when the LGBT community faces opposition, she has included some links at the bottom of this article (see below).

Please be kind to each other!

Have a fabulous and inclusive day, my lovelies!




LGBT Organisation links (links would be active and direct the reader to real, relevant resources)

Pride in London [https://prideinlondon.org/]

Stonewall [https://www.stonewall.org.uk/]

The LGBTQIA+ charity for the young person [https://www.justlikeus.org.uk/]

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Wood Green