Tutu and Ballet News

Summer Ballet News in Carshalton

Carshalton’s Tutu-tiful Spring Ballet Buzz!

Dearest readers!

It’s a brand new season, the air is thick with the scent of lilacs and the sun shines gloriously, beckoning us out to enjoy the bountiful pleasures of spring! And what better way to celebrate this joyous time than with the art of dance?

This little bird has been flitting around Carshalton, sniffing out all the latest news on the ballet scene. Oh, how the news sparkles brighter than a freshly-pressed silk tutu! Let’s raise our glasses – or perhaps a cup of tea and a dainty cake – to the delightful ballet happenings that await us this season!

Firstly, let's raise a curtain on the magnificent news that The Carshalton Ballet Club are presenting ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’ at the local theatre! Can you imagine the charming forest scenes, the delightful fairies flitting amongst the blossoms, the music of a moonlit summer’s night? This enchanting spectacle is not to be missed! Tickets are flying out quicker than a pirouette, so get your tickets swiftly!

Oh, and speak of sparkling fairies – did you hear about Carshalton’s very own new ballet school? Why, it’s called ‘En Pointe’ and has opened its doors on Elmwood Road. My own little sister, Beatrice, took a look-see and reports that the place is simply bursting with pink ribbons and darling tutus! I am dying to go and peek in the window, imagine my delight if it’s my favourite colour, blush pink, just like my best tutu!

Another fabulous local event is the Annual Spring Ballet Gala at the Carshalton Community Centre! They’ll be a mix of classical and modern, and a special performance from our local school. What could be more uplifting than watching our local youngsters pirouette with joy, hearts filled with passion and spirits high with a dash of excitement? This event promises to be as delightful as a cherry blossom tree in full bloom!

Oh, how I’ve fallen into a very flowery mood! It seems spring has truly gotten hold of my spirit. Now let me regale you with one more, quite magnificent piece of news! This news has the ability to make any ballerina’s heart sing – there’s a new designer boutique just opened up in the High Street and it specialises in ballet wear! Oh, it has the most tutu-ful selection, and they’re the softest, spunkiest and most fabulous tutus I’ve ever laid eyes on! This truly is tutu-tiful news!

There we have it! My delightful discoveries of the ballet happenings in Carshalton! It appears to be a busy spring, and this fashionable ballerina certainly won’t miss a single performance! I’ll be sure to share all my news and thoughts, so make sure to return next month to my blog for my next instalment of Carshalton’s Tutu-tiful Ballet Buzz!

Until then, darlings, stay happy, keep twirling and dance your way through this beautiful spring!



Summer Ballet News in Carshalton