Tutu and Ballet News

Summer Ballet News in Coalville

Coalville’s Dancing Delights: A Springtime Ballet Bulletin 🩰🌸

From the Feather-Light Pen of Emma

Dearest readers,

Spring has sprung! The air is perfumed with the heady scent of honeysuckle, the birds are singing their sweetest melodies, and… yes, the thrill of springtime ballet is upon us in Coalville! A kaleidoscope of colours blooms within my heart as the sun-kissed landscape echoes the ethereal grace of ballet. And speaking of graceful, I must tell you, dear readers, my heart nearly burst with joy as I attended the Spring Ball last week! Hosted by our very own Coalville Academy of Ballet, the event was simply divine. Imagine, a veritable tapestry of fluttering tulle, each shade from the softest blush to a glorious cerulean, like a breathtaking vision from a Victorian drawing-room.

It was all rather spectacular! I was utterly smitten with the Academy’s latest venture, the "Flowers in Flight" dance program. This whimsical collection of choreographed pieces drew inspiration from the delicate beauty of the flora surrounding Coalville. I, for one, was swept away by the delicate grace of "Anemone's Whisper" with its haunting movements that recalled the graceful swaying of wildflowers in the breeze.

But darling readers, if you want to see true artistry, you absolutely must make a visit to Coalville Dancewear Emporium. My heart skips a beat each time I cross its threshold. It’s simply brimming with the most beautiful and intricate ballet attire. My own tutu wardrobe was recently refreshed with a delightful number from the shop. The softest pink tulle imaginable, perfect for this delicate springtime, accented by an elegant blush satin ribbon. It simply evokes a symphony of whispers!

And did you know that a young dancer from Coalville has made her way to the esteemed London Ballet School? I'm so thrilled for our local darling, Miss Olivia Cartwright! Her dedication and talent were plain to see at the academy. She's now dancing amongst the London elite! Isn’t it absolutely magical? It just goes to show you, darling readers, that Coalville truly holds its own when it comes to fostering talented dancers, a haven for those who believe in the artistry of movement!

Finally, my fellow ballet devotees, let us remember: Spring, the season of growth, is the perfect time for our own artistry to flourish! I urge each of you to step into the spotlight this season. Whether it be in a beginner’s class or taking centre stage at our beloved Coalville Academy of Ballet, every movement counts. For truly, the beauty of ballet is woven through our local lives, a source of endless grace and inspiration.

With the very best wishes and, of course, the promise of more #tutunews in our next missive,

Yours in grace,


Summer Ballet News in Coalville