
Tutu and Ballet News

Summer Ballet News in Surbiton

Surbiton's Spring Ballet Buzz!

*By Emma, *The Dancing Darling - March 28th **

Good afternoon, dear readers! As the crisp air of winter melts into the blush of spring, I find myself positively bursting with the excitement of new ballet beginnings in our beloved Surbiton. A symphony of pinks, pastels, and the soft whisper of tulle is what awaits us in the world of dance, and I, your ever-so-enthralled ballerina correspondent, am ready to divulge every enchanting detail!

The Ballet Debutantes

My first delightful discovery was a breath of fresh air, quite literally, in the form of "The Lilac Ballet Academy" โ€“ a new school nestled in a quiet corner of Surbiton. A delightful, quaint building painted in softest lavender (ah, so chic!) houses studios filled with promise and grace. This darling academy, run by the charming Miss Flora (a retired ballerina with the most captivating twinkle in her eye), offers a nurturing environment for young dancers. The academy is launching its inaugural "Spring Bloom Ballet Program", which includes a sweet little "First Steps in Ballet" for the littlest dancers, followed by a series of classes catered to all levels, even the budding "prima ballerinas" amongst us. Miss Flora also spoke enthusiastically about plans for a delightful performance come July, celebrating their first year with a showcase of blooming talent. This is definitely one to watch, my dears, and I simply cannot wait to witness the blossoming brilliance of these budding dancers!

Tutu Treats for the Sophisticated Dancer

For those of us who prefer a more mature, yet oh-so-refined experience, we needn't fret, as the "Surbiton Ballet Society" is having its annual "Spring Symphony in Tutu" performance. A truly grand affair, featuring a collection of works both traditional and contemporary. We'll be swept away by the exquisite movements of professional dancers (the renowned Les Papillons, flown in specially from the city!), coupled with the talents of our local ballet stars. I hear whispers of a "Tulips and Tutus" segment, a contemporary work infused with vibrant colours, a dazzling blend of choreography and dance theatre. And, darling, do let's not forget the sumptuous costumes โ€“ just imagine cascading floral prints against a backdrop of swirling pastel hues. This year's "Spring Symphony in Tutu" promises to be an exquisite evening, perfect for the discerning ballet connoisseur!

From "En Pointe" to Afternoon Tea

Let's not forget about the social side of ballet, my loves! I had the joy of attending the "Dance & Delights" at the lovely "Cherry Blossom Tearoom". Now, a haven of pink delight with delightful cakes and even more delightful company, this teatime is an event designed to cater to all things ballet! It featured a captivating lecture about the history of the "pointe" shoe, complete with historical anecdotes and vintage illustrations - simply delightful! Attendees were treated to a dainty array of sandwiches, dainty teacups filled with delicately flavoured brews (a delicious Earl Grey, I confess!) and, of course, delectable cakes with dainty sugar-spun floral accents, truly a masterpiece. There was a lovely atmosphere of friendly chatter, with all sorts of fascinating insights on ballet from fellow aficionados, from the youngest dancer just beginning to explore the art form, to the seasoned connoisseurs. The tearoom also featured a curated collection of "Tutu Treats": ballet books, lovely silk flowers, and even handcrafted tulle jewellery - all just begging to be taken home. A most delightful way to combine a love of dance and indulge in the finer things!

Ballet in Bloom

As we embrace this fresh season of growth and blooming, I invite you all to indulge in the magic of ballet, be it in a classroom, in the auditorium, or simply sipping tea in the afternoon. For with every delicate pirouette, with every graceful leap, we find not only artistry but a sense of belonging, community, and perhaps most importantly, joy. This is what truly makes ballet "in bloom" - the way it resonates in our hearts and inspires us to bloom, dance, and embrace the world around us, all wrapped in an enchanting aura of pink perfection!


Summer Ballet News in Surbiton