Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, it’s September 27th, 2025, the most magnificent day of the year – a day dedicated to celebrating the music that fuels our every pirouette and arabesque! A day dedicated to the magical symphonies of the dance, a day dedicated to ballet music! How do I begin to describe the sublime elegance of this day? As if by magic, every note, every crescendo, every pause that gives breath to the balletic soul is here for our listening pleasure, and I have curated the most magnificent news review to honour this most magical of days.

From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, to the Palais Garnier, the news from the world of ballet music is as captivating as a Bolshoi solo. * The world-famous **Royal Ballet** have announced a new production of **Giselle**. I have been told that the score, orchestrated by the great **Adolphe Adam**, will be given a more nuanced and dramatic re-imagining under the baton of the Maestro **David Danced**. One can only dream of what a truly inspired and breathtaking production this could be. The new interpretation, they whisper, promises a performance with the dynamism and emotional depth of a **Balanchine** masterpiece. My dear, I have been told that this **Giselle** is going to blow the mind. Oh my, there are going to be whispers of a stunning new **tutu** in shimmering pink and a perfectly coordinated leotard for the **principal**. Now this leotard, my darling, you need to picture this. The bodice is delicately fitted to her body, a sensual fit for this divine piece of art. This beautiful leotard will flow with such graceful abandon – I can feel its flow from here! The necklines – Oh my - the necklines are exquisitely designed. In shades of apricot and plum with lace appliquĂ©s on the bodice. Such elegance – a little bit vintage but with a thoroughly modern twist, perfect for this fabulous performance, which is, if all goes to plan, going to be truly legendary, my dears. * The **English National Ballet**, in a truly visionary move, has invited a diverse roster of up-and-coming **composers** to create new work, responding to **Christopher Wheeldon’s** signature choreographic style. Each piece promises to challenge, delight, and perhaps most importantly to propel ballet music to entirely new horizons, bringing the most brilliant of minds together to showcase new sounds and an incredible creative fusion. They will be bringing in musicians and **DJs**, who have also been asked to interpret Wheeldon’s artistry through an incredibly fresh lens, using a mix of traditional instruments and experimental sounds to bring his beautiful work to the public in completely new, unexpected ways, and what a daring move that will be! * In news from **France**, there is going to be a festival called **“Music and Movement: The Art of French Ballet”**. It’s going to be the biggest celebration of **French ballet music** and culture I’ve seen! It will be running from August until December 2025 and there are amazing events planned - workshops, concerts, and of course, an all-night dance-a-thon at the **Palais Garnier**, inspired by the exquisite choreography of **Maurice BĂ©jart**. Now my dears, what better way to experience ballet music than with a beautiful French summer dance marathon - the Palais Garnier has never been so stylish, such divine glamour and elegance on the streets of **Paris**, you have never seen a dance marathon like this one before – and trust me, I've been to all of them! * And my dears, if that weren’t enough, the world's greatest ballet composers have created a new initiative! Called **“Notes to Steps”** , this collaboration will bring the ballet studios of the world to **recording studios** - it is the most ambitious project in decades! Each recording is going to feature the world’s most celebrated **ballet schools**, performing original compositions from established artists like **Sergei Rachmaninoff, and new scores by rising stars**, bringing a fascinating modern perspective on this traditional genre of dance. Can you imagine a young pupil performing **Tchaikovsky** in an all new way, on the one hand so refreshing, so original, but so inherently classical - it’s breathtaking. The initiative will involve more than **50,000** students from over **100 countries** - now there’s an incredibly powerful message. We are celebrating the global beauty and passion for ballet music in its rawest form. It is a testament to the global cultural and artistic impact of dance, with the future generation in the driving seat Beyond the dance studio - into the mainstream. * You’ve heard of ballet dancers, now brace yourselves for **“Ballet Musicians”.** They have entered the stage, with their own **brand of cool** . Imagine this - music that has an electric rhythm which blends perfectly with the traditional grandeur of the **classical score**. These are the artists that are breathing life into **ballets**. * **Classical music artists**, especially composers are getting a new kind of recognition – **Grammy Award** nods in a brand new category, “**Outstanding Original Score for Ballet”**. And of course, the category will be dominated by women composers who are pushing the boundaries of ballet music to their breaking point and beyond. * Even in the virtual space ballet music is taking centre stage! With **immersive online experiences** allowing users to step inside the magical world of dance through 360 degree sound - imagine it, you'll be right there - **on pointe**, with the sound of music cascading around you. These virtual experiences are the most accessible they've ever been. You can be sitting in a park, and with your mobile phone, feel like you are in the theatre, hearing every single breath the dancers take and the beautiful music around them, It’s mind-blowing, and honestly, I just can't get enough. What a magnificent year for ballet music – but, my dear, it is only just the beginning. * We’re seeing an entirely new **era of ballet** where music isn’t merely the accompaniment. The music is now the heart and soul, driving the very pulse of ballet’s expression, as the **composers and choreographers** collaborate together, creating new scores, in real-time. What is this revolution? I am sure that in the very near future we are going to be witnessing dance created by the sounds, instead of by a sound following a movement, Oh this new movement of dance, is a force to be reckoned with, truly an exciting period in dance and in the history of music. * New and up-and-coming choreographers, are exploring ways to marry the rhythm of dance to **new music**, blending ballet music with the beats and rhythm of the modern era and creating the most original, vibrant and captivating dances. Some have told me about using music that is **specifically composed for a single piece of choreography** - how bold. The new choreography they say is a kind of dialogue with the sound. But the news is not all roses my darlings. * **There are challenges for this great dance art** A growing debate surrounds the relationship between classical music, particularly ballet scores, and **copyright**. I have heard rumours that some choreographers are finding it challenging to secure rights for the pieces they love - oh, this is so unfair. As ballet musicians reach out to wider audiences and embrace diverse forms, it remains a very important point to have greater flexibility with music rights – it would create so many opportunities. There are worries from certain groups that using **royalty free music** may degrade the very fabric of classical ballet – a controversial issue indeed! However, what the world needs right now is access, and ballet must not be stuck in its classical form. It must continue to be bold and explore new avenues in musical forms. * **Digital platforms** have been accused of creating a ‘**Ballet music gap’**, with artists not being adequately compensated for their work - it is very true, but it's a battle the industry has fought before and won. But, it needs to find new, fair models to distribute music for both contemporary and classical works - an entirely necessary challenge for today’s market. In my view - ballet music is reaching an unparalleled stage of global significance, in a moment of artistic evolution and growth. * **What can we expect? ** More creative explorations, and greater acceptance of diverse sounds - and hopefully - a whole lot more new and interesting performances – it's a glorious, glorious time. The best news in my opinion is how accessible ballet music has become – and how it has taken on a whole new life online! Imagine it - all that stunning music available with just a tap on your phone. Now there is nothing more modern than ballet! * In just a few years, **music will have been reinvented as a language**, that moves and flows in tandem with our bodies. And, my dears, we are in for the ride of our lives! The music of dance will shape the future - of both ballet and music, together. What a wondrous new world!

Well, my dears, that was quite the journey wasn’t it? We’ve dived into the enchanting world of ballet music – it has brought joy to the world – with every step and every pirouette – and I have absolutely no doubt that it will continue to move, amaze, and inspire generations to come.

This has been my news review from a magical, magical September 27th, 2025. You’re one step closer to falling deeper into the magic, my darlings – let the music move you.