Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, it's 10 February 2008, the day that, I just know, will be marked in history as a triumph for ballet music. A whirlwind of passion, romance, and exquisite melodies! What else could you expect? It's the 2008 Winter Olympics, but the artistry of figure skating has its roots firmly planted in the graceful movements of ballet. These athletes, these phenomenal artists on ice, are giving us the purest, most enchanting display of our beloved art. But, before we get swept away by the dazzling routines and breathtaking choreography, let's talk about the beating heart of these performances – the music!

From the stirring Tchaikovsky of the ice dancers to the captivating Carmen for pairs skating, the choices have been both elegant and utterly daring. Oh, how those exquisite melodies propel our emotions! We are captivated, enraptured! With every pirouette and arabesque, the music becomes a crucial part of the story, the unspoken language, the emotional current running through each movement. It's a dance of exquisite symmetry and breathtaking precision, all interwoven with music that brings tears to my eyes – how I love it!

We all remember the breathtaking moment when our own, darling, ice prince, Stéphane Lambiel, took to the ice in Vancouver a year ago. The hushed anticipation in the arena! The hush before the storm, if you will, before the whirlwind of energy he unleashed! And then there it was, his signature elegance and captivating artistry, set against the poignant backdrop of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No.1, a symphony of passion and vulnerability, just like the love between a ballerina and her music! Every jump, every spin was imbued with an effortless grace, drawing the audience into the magic of his performance. This is what truly connects our world of ballet to the ethereal grace of the ice, and isn't it truly a wonder?

Today, darling, the magic continues. We witness performances, which take us on a breathtaking journey of athleticism and beauty. Our very own, exquisite Russian couple, who embody both fiery passion and lyrical elegance, are giving us a display of both. Think "Carmen", "Boléro", all those beautiful fiery romances from our theatre world but transformed, reinterpreted, with such an exquisite elegance and artistic grace! Their performance today is like "Carmen" spun from ice crystals, with a dash of dramatic brilliance, isn't it? They will, undoubtedly, set the ice ablaze, sending the audience into a whirlwind of awe and admiration!

The choices in music, it's important to note, dear, have not always been traditional. But, don't worry, there has been no straying away from our elegant classical influences. Think Sarah Brightman – you just know she understands us! Those stunning vocals of hers blend effortlessly into the drama of "The Phantom of the Opera". We had a wonderful young ice skater earlier this week performing with such a delicate, fragile touch, just like a beautiful, vulnerable ballerina! Her music choice was beautiful, too! It brought tears to my eyes! Oh, it was such a beautifully executed routine. She could certainly make me blush. And that leotard she wore! Imagine, a delicate, blush pink leotard that complemented the beautiful softness of a powder pink tutu perfectly. Simply divine.

And then, the dramatic grandeur, the athletic grace, and the sheer theatrical brilliance of the pair routines – oh! The perfect example? Those gorgeous ice dancing duos! Their performances are pure magic! They are the apotheosis of athletic elegance! They glide effortlessly across the ice, a single entity, as though propelled by some otherworldly force. Imagine a love story narrated with only the use of physical expression. Such passion! Such drama! The sheer poetry of the dance! And then, to have those moments accented by Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake"? It takes us to the very essence of romance and love! It is a love story that melts hearts and takes us on an enchanting voyage.

Today, dear, I just know the music will continue to play its crucial role. It's not just a backdrop, but an integral part of every performance! The ice, the blades, the grace of the skaters all come together as one, and as their movements begin, and they are lost in the rhythm of the melody, the story comes alive! This is what gives us those unforgettable moments. Moments that touch our very souls!

Of course, dear, no talk of the Olympics, or ice skating, would be complete without a little glimpse into the lives of the dancers, wouldn't you agree? Just think of all that work they put in, all those hours practicing, polishing, refining their craft! Every spin, every leap, it's all been meticulously crafted. I admire their dedication and artistic devotion so much! These ice dancers truly are a unique breed of artists.

Today, they will step onto the ice and create a breathtaking tapestry of movements, fueled by music that will leave audiences mesmerized. This is, I just know, how we connect to the beauty and the power of performance. Isn't it marvelous how music transcends boundaries and becomes a universal language of emotion, connecting us with each and every skater in that breathtaking spectacle of artistic passion? This is what ballet is all about. It's all about grace, artistry, and the sheer joy of movement – a symphony of physical expression! The music, my dear, that's where it all begins. It's the source of inspiration, the driver of passion, and the essence of this exquisite performance.

The Winter Olympics, you see, it's the a beautiful reminder of how our world of ballet and music lives on through this stunning sport. A beautiful fusion of artistic skill and physical prowess, all underscored by a powerful emotional landscape created through music.

So, raise your champagne glass, dear! To the enchanting art of ballet music! May these ice dancers continue to take our breath away!

Let's talk about music choices! Let's indulge in some more of our musical fantasies, shall we?

The most wonderful aspect of this performance art, you know, dear, is its diversity! We see everything from traditional classics to modern interpretations. I'm such a traditionalist, darling, I've always preferred the classics – think "Swan Lake", "Romeo and Juliet". Those works have such beautiful musical narratives that are so perfect for this beautiful world of ice! But what I have really enjoyed, and been quite surprised by, is the modern touch!

Those younger ice skaters have brought a really fun, modern flair to this traditional dance format, haven't they? It's something new and exciting and oh, so fun. You see, ballet is a living art. A breathing, pulsating, and oh-so-deliciously, exciting art!

Here are some of the highlights from this week so far:

  • That fabulous Canadian team chose "Nessun Dorma", with its incredible sense of soaring operatic passion, and wow, the way they brought the choreography alive, with leaps and spins that could bring you to your feet, dear, the impact it made. Absolutely spectacular!
  • Then we have a pair of talented skaters who had their moment with a stunning piece by John Williams. His music, so beautifully dramatic, so intensely emotional, created such a mesmerizing experience on the ice! The choreography and the performance were like something out of a "DreamWorks" film, so vibrant, so colorful, so incredibly well-matched to the music.
  • The Italian Ice Dancers stole our hearts, they absolutely stole our hearts, with their incredible interpretation of "I Put a Spell on You", such fun, such mischief and lighthearted fun and, as ever, the brilliance and beauty of the choreography! You can’t beat the beauty of a perfectly-crafted performance that leaves you smiling and yearning for more!
  • Then, the stunning Spanish pair skating, now here we saw a passionate intensity in their movements. The dramatic energy! They used a combination of music, from that sultry "Carmen", and they gave us those beautiful dramatic pauses that felt like "Moulin Rouge" on ice! The powerful emotions were beautifully brought to life through their dance. Oh, I can’t deny, those passionate Spanish eyes! They can make a woman weak in the knees. But back to their movements, their skill! Their use of both classical music and flamenco rhythm gave a performance of sheer theatrical beauty. It’s an exhilarating demonstration of the way music adds depth, richness, and layers of meaning to any performance. It truly was stunning to witness!

You can't escape the beauty of music when watching these artists, these phenomenal athletes, dance their magic on ice. Every move, every spin is carefully constructed to give life to the emotions expressed by the music. I must confess, these music choices have taken me back to some of my favorite dance nights – all the grand theatres, the glorious ballrooms, those magical evenings spent wrapped up in the world of ballet!

Remember that amazing couple that stunned us with a truly wonderful tango routine! It brought out the most thrilling emotions, just like our theatrical performances of "Don Juan" and "Carmen". It made me want to get on the dance floor! Now I can just see it, you know? The beautiful swirling skirts and sequins of the dancers. This is how we connect these different dance formats. They are all beautifully woven together.

To make it really exciting, I think we must delve a little deeper into our beautiful music selections!

Oh, darling, the joy of ballet music! You know what makes a great selection for ice skating, ballet, any dance really? The right mix! And today, dear, the choices in music on the ice really shine! There's the classical influence, those elegant masterpieces from the Romantic era –think of Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Brahms! These selections are all about building, cultivating emotion.

Think of those beautiful delicate moments, those moments of grace, that just take your breath away! You see, music isn't just accompaniment. It's the heartbeat. Music, in these performances, becomes the breath of the dance, the emotional backdrop of the ice, a subtle influence that directs how you perceive and interpret each move. Isn't it incredible! And this is just so similar to our own ballet!

The wonderful thing about Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" and "Sleeping Beauty" – they really transport you to that magical fairyland of our beloved ballet, don't they? And the sheer artistry of his music makes it even more stunning to watch those dancers on ice really push themselves, and those leaps they achieve, it really is stunning, breathtaking even. The emotion! I really can’t help but feel emotional myself! It's the very soul of ballet expressed in another world, yet still, the same emotion, the same graceful power and energy. The ballet, you see, the soul of these dancers comes out on the ice!

Now for the modern influences: Imagine those beautiful dramatic Morricone compositions that sound so much like film soundtracks! That dramatic build-up, the beautiful sense of romantic and cinematic orchestration – those have been truly wonderful to hear!

Then there are those pieces that bring the beauty of opera onto the ice. This is not for everyone, dear, it is so bold and so intense – a true symphony of passion! Think about how beautiful "Carmen", "The Phantom of the Opera" sound in such a unique performance! And "Nessun Dorma" ! There’s that dramatic soaring opera, so passionate and visually powerful, you see how these modern music choices make a unique statement, don’t you? They capture both the intensity and the beauty of performance art and make it accessible to new generations! Isn’t it exciting?

Oh, you see, dear, there is an exciting journey for everyone here. There is so much to see, so much to experience, so much to love and enjoy!

You’re going to have to agree with me! Every single music selection, no matter how surprising or unexpected, adds a dimension of drama and beauty to the entire spectacle of performance on ice! I truly hope, as the days go by, the creators behind these routines will bring in more unique and surprising pieces!

As long as that unique blend of classical tradition and fresh, surprising interpretations are there, I think, the Olympics, and the beautiful world of ice skating, will be the greatest stage for our beloved ballet music! Isn’t it all simply, dazzling! And now I feel myself being pulled in for the day's event. Enjoy the shows! Let's make some beautiful memories!