
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling dears, it's Christmas Day, Boxing Day to be exact, and the snow is falling, just like in the Nutcracker. Only my sugar plum dreams are filled not with dancing mice, but with a whole heap of exciting ballet music news. As a stylish, magical, fashionable and feminine ballet and dance author, in my 30s, you know I'm keeping my little pink tutu, or, shall we say, the fabulous pink one with its tulle cascading down in waves of grace and the matching, shall we say, shockingly beautiful pink leotard, ready for a spin as we step, shall we say, into the news.

**First off,** darlings, and a bit of a festive treat, you know, because I'm in a sharing kind of mood. Let's go back in time. Back to, oh, last summer. Have you heard the glorious sounds of Prokofiev's Cinderella? Because if not, my little ballerina kittens, you must. It was a masterpiece! Remember the grand opening with a burst of orchestra? And the beautiful music, like whispers of a prince's longing, woven into a tapestry of enchantment. That was something else! It's just, you know, pure magic and music and my goodness, the costumes and choreography. It's a triumph that deserved, and, get this, it got, darling dears, the highest ever recorded ballet audience! Oh darling, I tell you, I was at the edge of my seat. You know, as the curtains closed, I swore I could hear a single teardrop, like a tiny, perfect crystal of emotion, glistening in the orchestra pit! Such beauty! Now, thereā€™s just a little tidbit about Cinderella that really gets me dancing on air. Turns out the music wasn't, as expected, straight from Prokofiev's original score, but rather... a special new recording by the world renowned, well, quite literally, they are, they're at the very top, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. My darling, their conductor, the masterful Sakari Oramo, I could swoon. The intensity and the pure, well, brilliance. The orchestra took those legendary Prokofiev scores and breathed fresh life into them, making it a magical and enchanting treat for the audiences. They captured that essence, that sense of a forgotten fairytale being unveiled. Now, that's the stuff of real dance-driven, magic!Ā 

**Next up** ā€“ did I hear that sound of music? A new work, my loves. Just like Cinderella but fresh. The Royal Ballet, the queen of ballet companies! It's about to, shall we say, put on its biggest dancing shoes. Yes, my loves, their latest production ā€“ *The Winterā€™s Tale*, based on that amazing story from Shakespeare, a real classic, is set to dance its way onto the stage with, let's say, it's really beautiful, an amazing new score from the sensational composer Joby Talbot. Now this is big news. The tale will dance on, well, get this, an already famous stage, with none other than the breathtaking Royal Opera House! They even commissioned, get this, a stunning score from Joby Talbot, just for it. Imagine, itā€™s so innovative and bold, but with such poetic resonance! I love the way, it almost seems, a delicate balance of emotions, almost like those graceful ballerinas I've been dreaming of. They make you, they just draw you in, darling dears. So many emotions. The ballet's going to be something truly spectacular, you just have to get down and move, you know, that is, put your tickets on sale. I'm waiting, dear, donā€™t make me wait too long. Oh my, I can't imagine all that magic on stage.

**And** - did you hear about the dance music world, dear, you know that intoxicating mix of music and movement? The American Ballet Theatre's upcoming 'Music in Motion' gala - Oh! This is gonna be big, and it promises to shake the world of ballet, oh yes! The American Ballet Theatre, the ones who, like, are totally changing things up in ballet. They are, like, they have amazing artistic talent, these folks. I just, itā€™s, well, you know I love to hear the excitement, but more so the incredible dedication that these folks put into their work, these talented dancers who just shine, theyā€™re so elegant! It is, you know, what makes them different from any other. The world-famous ballet, American Ballet Theatre, you know, those incredible dance sensations, are ready to celebrate with a concert like, well, no other. It's all going down at The Metropolitan Opera House in, darling, the big apple. Yes, oh, they know how to put on a spectacular dance. **Get this:** the gala will see amazing dancing stars performing their favorite pieces, showcasing this, you know, perfect combination of movement and music! Yes, get ready to hear beautiful new scores that just, well, take your breath away. It's not just dance. It's a big beautiful picture of music that truly takes your breath away.Ā 

**Don't forget,** darling dears, youā€™re talking about some really major moves on the ballet world. This exciting ā€˜Music in Motionā€™ gala is a, let's say, perfect combination of classic and contemporary ballet, giving audiences a really fresh look into a rich tapestry of dance.

Now, listen carefully darlings, I have something to tell you. My little, adorable ballerina kittens! I just must share, whatā€™s the best thing I learned? Yes, **Get ready**, you lovely people! Because *ā€˜Music in Motionā€™* isn't just a gala! No, no! Itā€™s, darling dears, more of a magical whirlwind, itā€™s more than the dance. Itā€™s a beautiful, powerful event which brings ballet fans together. This is their world, they dance with music.Ā You know, a wonderful celebration of those amazing, brilliant artistic works.

**And my love**, we need to talk about the most recent exciting, absolutely divine piece, "In the Mirror." My dears, my heart jumps a little when I see this piece, the delicate grace and the energy... A beautiful combination! The ballet itself is a symphony of graceful lines and movements, it truly is, but more than that! This beautiful piece explores this idea of, well, reflections. But I just think itā€™s brilliant - a ballet about reflections! This piece, darling, it really reflects, well, it almost shows us what's beautiful about our inside, through what we see in our reflections. Now, I'm all for this dance!Ā 

Now, you know I, like, always like a bit of ballet that's a bit more than what I've known and you know, this is something a little special. My dearest darlings, this year is set to be huge. This "In the Mirror" is a very, shall we say, fresh and different production, It truly feels like the beginning of something exciting and new for ballet in the USA. Thereā€™s that new vibe and you know, that wonderful blend of modern, artistic vision, but with, well, all that lovely tradition, that wonderful connection to its roots. And that's a wonderful new addition, just the touch of elegance. You know how it feels to be a ballerina in their first performance? All those tiny, exquisite steps, it's amazing.Ā 

I must also give my heart's biggest, well, dance. Thatā€™s how I do, it's dance, I love to give a really big, energetic dance to the American Ballet Theatreā€™s Director of Repertory, my lovely, creative Kevin McKenzie. Because it was he who brought, oh well, it's beautiful to see how he makes dance shine, the artistry that's been in ā€œIn The Mirror.ā€Ā  He's been there for the magic of ballet. And for this wonderful company he brought that fresh take. That's really how this company got those awards - for making ballet more approachable, so to say.

**This is what I think, darling dears.** You know this "In The Mirror" - you could actually imagine it was set, shall we say, like in front of a huge mirrored ballroom. Then I think you really get the balletā€™s essence, I love those shimmering silver dresses, and it seems, those little glimmers of light on those mirrored floors, It makes it almost as though those, you know, those ballet steps are so refined, I swear you're seeing a reflection on those shiny, beautiful mirrored floors. You get those glimpses of the dancerā€™s world and the inner-self, their reflections... That's, darling dears, I mean thatā€™s, how the ballet has, you know, whatā€™s in those inner dreams of those dancers, how the piece was developed and what was captured by this lovely group of dancers - It's such a, a breathtaking combination of movements, of expressions and reflections of, well, just beauty in every step they make, on and off stage. It really, darling dears, gives that, you know, what they mean by ā€œInner Mirror.ā€Ā 

**Just the fact** - my darling dears, we can, as dance lovers, explore how that ā€œIn The Mirror,ā€ this amazing, amazing performance. It truly takes a really, creative team. A group of the most amazing dancers and artists! It is this perfect symphony, an innovative choreography of emotions that, well, dance so gracefully, on the, well, get this - I'm speechless- on the mirrored dance floors at the Metropolitan Opera House. And those beautiful new scores! Iā€™m in awe of how, my darlings, you know, they have these special, incredible choreographers. Theyā€™ve got to know music like that. To blend with such brilliant dancers, and well, their performances. Oh my goodness!

The choreography, my lovely people, oh it was incredible. You just know that they spent so much time, the music they chose! It was a really elegant and unique story to create that special ballet, ā€œIn The Mirror." Oh my! How can you miss something like this, a world premiere for all you lovely dancers. Just to be a witness to that! Itā€™s going to be spectacular!

**Oh, Iā€™m so excited,** my dearest darlings, this ballet is not your usual performance, it really goes out of the box. Yes! It truly feels like a big dream, in fact, this balletā€™s one, like those amazing, colorful, fantastical dreams. The beautiful designs! Those shimmering costumes, those dazzling designs on the dancers' shoes, and yes, itā€™s magical - it makes the music sparkle, too! The costumes alone make me dream. **Do you get me, darlings?**

This dance is full of, like, beautiful layers. They capture these lovely ideas and create a piece that will, well, that'll make you go oh-my-god, and, youā€™re, like, speechless with every move. Every step on the stage, my love. Thatā€™s ballet. Every step has this amazing amount of power. Oh yes! Just to be watching those graceful moves, I mean, yes, it is magical and I'm pretty sure, a whole other level of energy that takes you to, well, that just lets your soul sing! You know what Iā€™m talking about. And it just creates this powerful story and all those amazing moments! Every dancer - yes, their elegance is captivating!

**One of my favorite parts,** well, you know, all these little, charming bits about ā€œIn the Mirror." But, the beautiful costumes. Oh yes, my dear darlings! The beautiful leotards! So sleek, sleek as an ice skaterā€™s shoes! But not just a plain leotard! And how do they make leotards so stylish! They've put, yes theyā€™ve made them into, an art, you can't miss, they're so striking - even the most simple one is a beautiful dance in itself.

**Think, for a second,** of a sparkling pink leotard, like the one Iā€™ve always wanted! A deep, sparkling pink leotard, made just to be paired with a beautiful pink tulle tutu. This balletā€™s so glamorous. Just the kind of pink that, yes, a pink so vibrant you have to, well, it makes me want to dance. Yes! And what happens? Then you see those, theyā€™re very stylish, theyā€™ve got all these, oh-so-wonderful designs, those lovely details. All for this, for a beautiful leotard. To make it so delicate and romantic! Just like the costumes. Itā€™s got all this magical shimmer.

I just canā€™t imagine itā€™s just another ballet. This ā€œIn the Mirror.ā€ Thereā€™s nothing else like it. Those costumes make it, you know, they put a new touch to how they, how they blend in to become so artistic.Ā 

Youā€™ll feel that dance in every movement. Even with the tiniest step.

**Now, darling dears** , weā€™ve had the big dance moves but we must also, shall we say, tap our toes with joy and celebrate all the artists who, well, you know, have put their hearts into this beautiful ā€˜In the Mirror." Oh, Iā€™m just bursting with all this exciting ballet music! The choreographers - how do they make it work. Their music selection! Just like these little angels of ballet dancing through air. Every performance is like that! Their music choice was impeccable. My, how much they knew, they had such incredible foresight, to be able to capture these stories on the dance floor! To be able to work, and you can't forget, to make a statement about the beauty in our souls and those reflected moments! Yes! Those lovely movements. Their grace, it really has a magical quality.

**Finally** - that magic of music. The "In the Mirror" - its music, darling dears - is pure magic. Yes, oh my, youā€™ll be in awe at the captivating music, and it's that musical inspiration, which moves and breathes. And if you have, darling dears, a keen sense, then you'll hear, you'll know how the, shall we say, how they blend it all, those elegant notes, their melodies are beautifully mixed with the stories and with all the intricate dance steps that really let each step, let each moment flow into the other. Itā€™s pure grace, It truly does create, you can't miss, the ā€œIn the Mirror.ā€ And we see how the dances blend together in those moments. Itā€™s that essence. Itā€™s such a magical moment, it is what captures those moments for eternity!

Well, darlings, I am simply giddy with all these musical delights.Ā It truly is a magic show, this ballet music scene. My, it makes the air swirl. I just have to put on my dancing shoes and whirl in my beautiful pink tulle tutu.Ā Just imagining those elegant costumes! My heartā€™s filled with happiness! This truly is magic.

**Now** you have a full peek, my love, into all those glorious events of dance. And you know that these wonderful musical stories will make you dream of those magical dancers as the years go by. But you must get a glimpse of that wonderful ā€œIn The Mirrorā€ and make your way, darlings, to the Metropolitan Opera House and see those beautiful moves, see the energy and the art, dance! I'm ready! Don't make me wait too long!