
Tutu and Ballet News

A Dance with Destiny: A Ballet Music News Review, 14 December 2007

Oh, my dears, how splendidly the music of ballet has entwined itself with our hearts! A melody can stir our souls and carry us away, quite literally, to ethereal realms where dreams take flight and beauty is paramount. As we swirl and leap through the symphony of a grand ballet, our hearts beat in rhythm with the orchestra's crescendo, mirroring the joy and pathos etched upon the dancers' faces.

Today, we embark on a whirlwind journey, tracing the footsteps of our favorite ballet scores, their ethereal notes guiding us to the heart of this exquisite art form. Let us be swept away, not only by the enchantment of the music, but by the enchanting world it weaves!

**The Swan's Sorrowful Song: Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake**

Our dance commences with the heart-wrenching melody of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, a symphony that captures the essence of yearning, transformation, and tragic love. Oh, the sorrow of Odette's fate, a swan maiden transformed by the wicked sorcerer, Rothbart, forever cursed to roam the lake at night. In those melancholy notes, we hear her pain, her longing, her yearning for liberation.

And then, the brilliance of Prince Siegfried! With a youthful passion, he sets out on a perilous quest, spurred by his love for the beautiful swan maiden. Through his noble heart, Tchaikovsky weaves a soaring melody, reflecting the hope of their love and the fight against darkness.

Oh, the exquisite ballet, the choreography mirroring the pathos and triumph! When the ballerina pirouettes across the stage, her arms graceful wings, I'm taken back to that grand theater, its opulent walls adorned with crimson velvet. As the final notes drift through the auditorium, silence falls. It is in this stillness, after the tempest of music and movement, that the beauty of this masterpiece truly takes hold.

**A Symphony of Dreams: Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring**

Our journey now takes us to a different era, to the early 20th century, where Igor Stravinsky's revolutionary score shattered the mold of classical ballet. In his The Rite of Spring, Stravinsky broke away from the conventional romanticism, his music a whirlwind of primal energy and stark rhythms.

The pounding drumbeats and jarring harmonies reflected the savage, almost ritualistic, ballet depicting the sacrifice of a young maiden to appease the gods. It was an audacious experiment in sound and movement, its unconventional form pushing the boundaries of ballet to their absolute limits. Yet, in its chaos and audacity, lies a strange beauty, an alluring primal force that stirs our souls.

The ballet, in its rawness, was controversial when it premiered in 1913, igniting a riot among the Parisian audience. What seemed to some like dissonance, a barbaric sound, was to others, a breathtaking symphony of emotions. It is this stark beauty, this powerful emotion, that resonated within the hearts of choreographers like Pina Bausch and the experimental dance pioneers. In The Rite of Spring, Stravinsky revealed a new, raw, and authentic facet of human nature, reflected in his breathtaking, unorthodox ballet score.

**A Midsummer Night's Dream: Mendelssohn's Enchanting Tapestry**

Our exploration leads us now to Mendelssohn's whimsical and charming music, which underscores the whimsical spirit of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Oh, how delightfully the music sets the stage for the tangled, enchanting love story, transporting us to the whimsical world of Oberon, the king of fairies, and Puck, the mischievous sprite.

Every note carries an ethereal enchantment, conjuring up visions of sparkling sprites flitting amidst moonlit forests, and of fairies dancing beneath the shimmering glow of moonbeams. As Titania falls under Oberon's spell, entranced by the nectar of love, the music paints an air of intoxicating joy, laced with subtle undercurrents of mystery and romance. And the final Act, filled with the sweet notes of Mendelssohn's wedding march, is a fitting tribute to love's triumphant culmination, a delicate touch of joy on this whimsical journey.

**The Ballet in our Hearts: Finding Joy in Every Note**

Let us embrace the joy that a ballet score brings! The beauty of dance, intricately woven with music's power, becomes a symphony of joy, heartache, and transcendence. As we hear these exquisite melodies, we can almost envision ourselves whirling through the grandeur of the grand ballroom, our dance echoing the soaring chords of the violin and the lilting melody of the piano. A ballet's music becomes our companion, weaving itself into our own stories, leaving its sweet echo in our hearts long after the curtain falls. **A Ballet Inspiration: From Stage to Street**

The beauty of dance transcends the stage, extending its magical touch into our everyday lives. As we sashay across a crowded room, perhaps feeling a touch of ballerina grace in our steps, we're swept up in a similar exhilaration, channeling the grace and joy that emanates from these iconic dance pieces.

But to truly embrace this enchanting magic, our fashion must also become an expression of this dance-infused style. Picture a ballerina's elegance embodied in a beautiful ballet leotard. But what of a leotard for everyday wear? Imagine a leotard with an understated beauty that speaks to our love for all things ballet. What is a perfect colour match for a ballet's exquisite pink tutu, other than a timeless white, crisp and delicate?

**Ballet Fashion: Finding the Perfect Harmony**

Let us bring a little ballet elegance to our wardrobes. Picture a leotard in crisp, immaculate white, perhaps adorned with a touch of silver glitter. Let its simple, yet elegant silhouette mimic the graceful movements of the dancer, its fluidity speaking of our appreciation for this refined art form.

Perhaps, as you step out for an afternoon tea, you could don this beautiful leotard with a flowing chiffon skirt. This dance-inspired ensemble allows for comfort while retaining an unmistakable elegance that whispers of ballet's grandeur.

**Our Love Story Continues**

The story of ballet is an unfolding symphony of grace, artistry, and powerful emotions. Each dance, every note, evokes a multitude of emotions - joy, heartache, sorrow, and exhilaration, intertwining themselves into the tapestry of human experience.

May we, in our own ways, find joy in every twirl, every beat, and every exquisite performance. For it is in the shared experience of ballet music and dance that our souls come alive, carried on the wings of an enchanting, graceful waltz. Let the melody play on!