Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, darlings! How divine to be gathered together this 4th of October, 2007, for a little news review dedicated to the sheer brilliance, the ethereal grace, the utter magic of ballet music. Now, my dears, I do know you are all connoisseurs, aficionadoes, devotees to the intoxicating world of dance and its exquisite symphony, its rhythmic heartbeat. It’s an intoxicating brew, wouldn’t you say? I imagine you, my darling readers, are swirling with us tonight as the music flows through your very souls.

Let’s begin, shall we, with a little something to make our heart beat faster. It's all about the rhythm, dearies. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" has, of course, been making its way into the news. Have you seen this fabulous production in London? Honestly, darling, the music, it makes your breath catch! Those lush strings, the soaring woodwinds… it’s an exquisite sonic tapestry! I absolutely love the way he builds the tension. From the elegant grace of the swan’s theme, he takes you on this emotional roller-coaster! Now tell me, my dears, don't those majestic horn calls leave you totally breathless?

Oh! I also have it on good authority that a fabulous "Nutcracker" is being revived this season. Don't you simply love the delightful interplay of those toy soldiers with their snappy trumpets and those delicate, swirling fairies? And when the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” begins, you feel as though you've been sprinkled with magic dust! That pizzicato melody – it's simply spellbinding! Do you ever just want to drown yourself in the sheer delight of it all?

But wait, there's more! We simply can’t leave out the ballets from across the pond, can we? We’ve had word from across the Atlantic that Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” is going to be receiving some stunning new staging in New York. It will be quite a controversial revival, I suspect! Oh, dears, it’s truly a dramatic work, is it not? So thrilling and wild! It simply pulses with that primitive energy, a storm of percussion! Just the idea of this barbaric, ancient ritual set to such intoxicating music… Well, my dears, the whole idea is quite decadent and quite exquisite. I do expect quite a stir in the art scene this winter.

We’re just as fascinated by all that is fresh, you see! Don’t think, for one minute, my darlings, that the music for the latest ballet productions is anything less than cutting-edge. Have you heard of this "The Ballet Project?" A collective of dancers and choreographers in San Francisco have launched a new contemporary ballet company, focusing on brand new, world premieres with exciting music scores. What an utterly delightful approach, is it not? It seems, this fresh, new group, is all about collaboration, my dears, and this wonderful mix of dancers, musicians and composers are putting together breathtaking new works. Just wait! Their newest score, an epic orchestral composition entitled "A Tapestry of Dreams" is inspired by the stories of immigrant journeys. So exciting! Isn’t that just absolutely marvelous?

Oh, my dears, there is so much more to report but I must save some of the details for next time, shall I? And please, indulge my slight obsession for a moment and imagine a beautiful, ballet dancer standing in the light, poised for a performance. A delicate rosebud of a tutu, that flutters with every turn of the ballerina, in a heavenly hue of pink… now picture, my dears, a matching leotard for her. Yes! Something, sleek, and sophisticated in that glorious pink. Wouldn’t that be an enchanting, magical vision to see?

Do join us again soon for more fascinating, news and fabulous views from the ever enchanting, delightful world of ballet music.