
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, my darlings, itā€™s May 25th, 2007! This is the day we step onto the stage of ballet music and let the melodies twirl us away! Today is the day for ethereal whispers of the cello, the majestic thunder of the orchestra, and the light, lilting steps of the ballerina. Letā€™s take a graceful leap into this intoxicating world of music and dance.

We start our dance, dear readers, with news from the esteemed Royal Ballet in London. The rumour mill has been buzzing about a new ballet thatā€™s soon to be unveiled ā€“ it seems this one is based on the life and work of one of my all-time favourites, the elusive, poetic poet Sylvia Plath. I just know the score will be an elegant masterpiece of contrasting moods, reflecting the tempestuous yet delicate soul of this incredible woman.

And speaking of tempestuous moods, dear darlings, I simply cannot wait to catch the Bolshoiā€™s new production of Romeo and Juliet! Iā€™m hearing the score is going to be a dynamic blend of tradition and daring modernity ā€“ exciting! Imagine, my dears, Prokofievā€™s music as a backdrop for the explosive, forbidden love story of these two star-crossed souls. I do love a bit of drama!

Now, dear darlings, itā€™s time for a bit of delightful, gossipy chit-chat about our dear, darling dancers. Did you hear the news about the newly launched "Dancing Queen" magazine? My word, itā€™s divine! It features a fabulous spread of exclusive photos and interviews from the hottest dancers in the world, each more glamorous than the last! You wonā€™t find me reading about this yearā€™s reality television line-up ā€“ oh no, itā€™s all about ballet music, elegant fashion and our precious ballerinas, isnā€™t it? There's one interview that I've got my eyes on - the prima ballerina, Alina Danova. Isnā€™t she just a radiant dream? Oh, sheā€™s so effortlessly graceful, and Iā€™ve heard tell of her new custom leotard that matches the delicate shade of pink of her favourite tutu! I imagine the exquisite embroidery is an explosion of tiny, sparkling diamonds ā€“ just divine! I simply canā€™t wait to get my hands on a copy.

You can always count on me, my loves, to have a keen eye for a captivating trend! Speaking of trends, I simply adore this resurgence of interest in traditional, classical ballet scores! Donā€™t you feel like those classic waltzes, adagios, and grand allegro passages are just as timeless as the elegant tutu? They are the foundation of the most exquisite dance styles, donā€™t you agree?

Oh, and while weā€™re on the topic of ballet scores, have you seen the fabulous revival of Swan Lake that opened in New York? The costumes are a symphony of white and black - simply breathtaking. They have such an elegant, delicate presence! Itā€™s so lovely to see such artistry taking centre stage, wouldnā€™t you agree?

However, darlings, itā€™s not all classical ballet ā€“ the modern world has embraced new scores, blending the sounds of electronic music and experimental arrangements into a captivatingly different symphony of ballet music! Thereā€™s an edgy vibrancy to this contemporary music that perfectly compliments the daring and passionate choreography of these new ballets.

Now, my loves, letā€™s get our dance shoes on and head out to the most talked-about opening night at the London Coliseum - the new production of the Nutcracker! There are whispers about innovative choreography, enchanting music, and magical, beautiful costumes ā€“ I can practically smell the powdered sugar plum fairies! Imagine, darling, all the glitter, the spectacle and that captivatingly magical atmosphere ā€“ you just canā€™t beat it! The best part? The gorgeous costumes ā€“ each a sparkling dream! Oh, the delicate blush of the sugar plum fairyā€™s tutu ā€“ pure elegance! Imagine the sweet grace of those intricate leaps as she floats across the stage - absolutely breathtaking!

Here are the latest whispers circulating through the ballet world:

Ballet Music News Round Up:
  • The ballet music for the new production of ā€œThe Firebirdā€ will be composed by none other than the sensational new composer, Jasper Wilde!
  • Rumours suggest the American Ballet Theatre is putting together an exciting contemporary dance performance, which will feature the work of the wildly talented young choreographer, Eliza Davies. My darlings, this will be one for the dance lovers!
  • The Royal Opera House is making headlines with a revolutionary new project - the creation of a multimedia ballet with a live score performed alongside film! My loves, how intriguing is that?! I cannot wait to see what artistic marvels they are creating in the dance world.

I must say, darling, there is a beautiful renaissance happening in ballet music. The world is finally taking notice of its emotional power, its elegance, its depth. Itā€™s an exciting time to be part of this movement, donā€™t you think? As for us, darling, let us stand on tiptoe and let the symphony of ballet music whisk us away to worlds unknown, full of magic, artistry, and graceful grace.