Tutu and Ballet News

10th March 2007: A Swirl of Sound: A Review of the Week in Ballet Music

Oh, darlings, how utterly thrilling it is to be swept up in the world of ballet once more! This week, a veritable storm of glorious sounds has washed over us, leaving us breathless, inspired, and utterly mesmerised by the sheer artistry of these composers. From the grandest of waltzes to the most delicate of pianissimos, let us dive into the news, darling, and explore the fascinating world of ballet music that has captivated us all.

First, darling, let's step into the celestial realm of **The Royal Ballet**, who are celebrating their latest production of Giselle with an enchanting revival. The choreography, simply breathtaking, perfectly reflects the delicate balance between drama and grace in the score, a delicate dance of emotions mirrored by the exquisitely intricate musical tapestry. A poignant piece, it seems that everyone I've spoken to who saw it left utterly enchanted by the swirling waltz of Act I, a perfect demonstration of the graceful grandeur that is Adolphe Adam at his very best. Now, dear reader, tell me, wouldn't a touch of romanticism in the air be positively perfect with this production?

But the romantic mood doesn't end there, darling! Across the pond at the **New York City Ballet**, they've been showcasing their own brand of enchantment, this time through the iconic **Serenade**. I must say, this sublime masterpiece, penned by the inimitable **Tchaikovsky**, simply *demands* to be danced. The ethereal music intertwines with Balanchine's choreography to create a visually breathtaking experience. This truly is the kind of dance that draws the viewer in, captivating you in a whirlwind of artistic beauty. Simply heavenly, don't you think?

A whisper in the wings informs us of something very special, dear readers. We hear that a little-known ballet, The Lark Ascending** by the captivating **Ralph Vaughan Williams**, is set to debut at the **English National Ballet**. The choice of this poignant and intensely emotive score for a piece dealing with the plight of a lonely soul is genius, isn't it? One imagines a graceful, melancholic dance, perfectly suited to Williams' evocative musical language. The use of the violin as a leading voice is most poignant. It is sure to captivate our hearts and minds in a symphony of exquisite sound. I daresay this is going to be a highly anticipated performance, isn't it? I certainly shall be securing my tickets in a most timely fashion, don't you think?

And speaking of captivating, I can't tell you how delightful it was to attend the performance of The Nutcracker** by the **Paris Opera Ballet** earlier this week. Of course, dear reader, this delightful piece has long since established itself as a festive classic, but this performance was something truly special. With the gorgeous score by **Tchaikovsky** taking centre stage, we were swept away into the enchanting tale of Clara and her adventures with the Nutcracker Prince. From the swirling grandeur of the waltzes to the delicacy of the snowflakes, the music simply transports you to a fantastical world, where childhood dreams and wishes become tangible. Did you know the overture to *The Nutcracker* is a *tour de force*, a masterful display of Tchaikovsky's skills, drawing in even those most unfamiliar with the world of ballet with its magical, shimmering melodies?

Now, let us talk about *les tendances*, my dear. Did you catch a glimpse of the ravishing costumes featured in **Cinderella**, the much-awaited debut performance by **Birmingham Royal Ballet** last night? Oh, they were simply divine! The exquisite costumes by designer **Sondra Van Ert** are simply breathtaking! And wouldn't you know it, the ballerina’s leotard was an absolute delight! With its swirling ivory embroidery that mimicked the graceful flight of the Cinderella story, and its delicate pink hues to match her breathtaking pink tutu, it was pure perfection.

Of course, no week in the world of ballet music is complete without an insightful glimpse into the *avant-garde*, so let's venture into the fascinating realm of **Contemporary Dance**, darling. The **Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris** has captivated our hearts and minds with its performance of **Le Sacre du Printemps**, a masterful masterpiece by the pioneering composer **Igor Stravinsky**. This highly experimental ballet challenges the traditional notions of beauty in ballet, embracing a much bolder and less refined sound palette. A real exploration of the *avant-garde* with a powerful driving force that reflects the innovative nature of its revolutionary choreography, a striking visual and musical masterpiece, is it not? I daresay it truly is something for the brave, darling.

We can't neglect our favourite local talents, dear readers! Back on home ground, the **Northern Ballet** will soon be delighting us with its production of A Midsummer Night's Dream**, featuring a score by **Felix Mendelssohn**. The production promises a vibrant tapestry of enchanting melodies, transporting us to a magical woodland world. I do believe that *A Midsummer Night's Dream* holds a particularly special place in the world of dance, especially this charming score with its use of the string quartet. A touch of magic in the air with an exciting mix of whimsy and wonder! Don’t you think it is something magical to be celebrated?

It is not all glamour and glitter though, darling, there is a deep artistic significance behind this creative journey we have embarked on. The world of ballet music, like any art, needs passionate individuals to continue the flow of this timeless creative force. A little birdy told me that the **Royal Ballet School** has secured a very special funding grant to launch a new initiative focused on supporting young, emerging composers within the ballet scene. Just imagine, a whole new generation of exciting talent on the horizon, darling! A glorious testament to the legacy of ballet music.

A most exciting discovery, my dear readers, the **Birmingham City University** is hosting a symposium this week devoted to exploring the artistic and historical significance of ballet music! I shall certainly be adding this to my list of events, and I daresay you should too, don’t you think? From workshops to masterclasses, and a series of enchanting talks on the cultural impact of the genre, this sounds like a glorious exploration of everything that is the essence of ballet music! I truly feel we must support this enriching initiative, it will help preserve our cultural heritage!

I can tell you this, dear reader, the week ahead promises more thrilling discoveries in the enchanting world of ballet music! Now, let's step out onto the dance floor and let the enchanting melodies transport us to a world where beauty, grace, and artistic brilliance unite, creating an unforgettable and awe-inspiring experience, darling!


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