
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, what a glorious day it was for ballet! I simply *had* to be at the Royal Opera House last night for the premiere of the Royal Ballet's production of Swan Lake. As soon as the orchestra struck the opening notes, my heart practically leapt out of my chest! The music was divine - all swirling strings and soaring oboe, and Tchaikovsky's score, well, it simply transported you to a world of magic and passion.

Let's talk about those tutus, shall we? Oh, they were absolutely breathtaking! The corps de ballet looked absolutely divine in their white tutus, flitting about the stage like a flock of snow-white birds. Their ethereal grace, the delicate movement of their limbs, it was simply captivating! Then, the moment you've all been waiting for - the entrance of our leading lady, the stunning and utterly talented Anya Petrova, as Odette/Odile.

Can we just talk about that iconic black tutu for a moment? It was absolutely perfect - a black velvet confection, all ruffles and flounces, simply designed to make a statement! Petrova's movements were phenomenal, and that tutu flowed with each step, each leap, and each turn, a perfect synergy of costume and dancer. Her technique was superb, her expressiveness was captivating, she completely owned the stage. I mean, the girl is simply a force of nature! You could see her emotions etched in every movement, every expression. It was heartbreaking when she danced as the Swan Queen, with such grace and sorrow, and then electrifying when she took on the guise of the Black Swan, filled with darkness and dangerous sensuality.

A special mention for the Prince, of course! Sergei Petrov was simply magnificent - his partnering was superb, his elegance faultless, his romanticism completely heartfelt. He truly embodied the character, perfectly conveying the prince's longing, his love, and his torment.

But the production wasn't just about the leads, darling. The entire company was fantastic! From the grand jetรฉ leaps of the swans, to the elegant pas de deux, the energy of the dancing was electrifying. The choreography was simply divine, showcasing each and every ballerina's skills and their complete artistry.

The set design and lighting were simply stunning - they perfectly captured the fantasy world of Swan Lake. The silvery mist of the lake, the majestic castle , and the magical forests - all of it created the most gorgeous and atmospheric setting. And, of course, what ballet would be complete without an incredible finale? Oh, that curtain call! I think my heart just about stopped. They took a well-deserved bow, the entire company, drenched in applause, bathed in the adoration of the crowd. A moment of pure ballet magic.

I simply cannot recommend seeing Swan Lake enough. It's an experience that will stay with you, darling, for a very long time. The dancing is beautiful, the costumes divine, and the story truly touching.

This production is a true masterpiece. It's a beautiful celebration of everything we love about ballet, and if you're looking for an evening of breathtaking elegance, pure enchantment and truly divine artistry - this is the one for you. I just know that this Swan Lake will go down in ballet history!

And just think, if you can't see it now, at the Royal Opera House, perhaps you could get a copy of a VHS of the performance. But even then, it just won't be the same!

Other ballet news, that caught my eye today:
  • Did you see those pictures of Sylvie Guillem in Giselle ? Her dancing is absolutely exquisite, and that sheer white tutu, well, it's everything! Sylvie always looks breathtaking in that classic style!
  • The Royal Ballet are holding an open audition for dancers on August 10th, at The Royal Ballet School in Richmond, I heard - all of those dreams of being a prima ballerina could be a little bit closer... who knows!
  • If you're not a big fan of Tchaikovsky, don't despair, darling! The Sadler's Wells Theatre is putting on a production of Prokofiev's Cinderella. I've heard good things - perhaps next week?