
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, can you believe it? Apparently, April the 16th is National Tutu Day! I mean, who knew? Honestly, it's the sort of revelation that sends a shiver of excitement down my spine. Of course, it makes perfect sense, don't you think? The tutu, it's such a symbol of all that is magical about ballet, about the beautiful and delicate femininity of a ballerina in full flight, about... well, tutus! I can just picture the glorious sight of ballet dancers twirling their tutus all over the world. A sight that is bound to make even the most jaded fashionista gasp with delight.

Right, letā€™s delve into the fascinating history of the tutu. Not to be confused with the infamous ā€œtutuā€ dress popular in the late 1980s (that, my dears, is a different story for a different time). The tutu, our tutu, is as old as the hills, or at least as old as the ballet world. Way back when, it was all about flowing skirts, long and drapey like the skirts in our lovely ballet paintings. But, oh my dears, they had a problem: they couldn't show off the ballerinasā€™ incredible moves. Just imagine the exquisite complexity of the grand jetĆ©, lost to the billowing drapery! That was no good at all.

Enter the glorious tutu. Shorter, tighter, itā€™s a fashion revolution! We can finally see the intricate steps and leaps in all their glory, and, you know, a bit of leg canā€™t hurt either. We all know that ballet is just as much about beauty as it is about performance. It's art on the stage. In my opinion, the tutu took a step ā€“ shall we say ā€“ from functional to utterly fabulous. But why just one day, dear readers? Why not National Tutu Week? We should embrace every moment with these whimsical marvels.

So what, you might ask, does one do on National Tutu Day? Why, wear a tutu, obviously! I suggest that we all get into the spirit by adorning ourselves in this ballet fashion statement, making our daily routines just a little more magical. Imagine wearing one to work! It might be a bit of an adjustment for your colleagues, especially the staid, conservative ones, but trust me, they will come around.

In all seriousness, wouldnā€™t the world be a more wonderful place if everyone wore a tutu? Just imagine the smiles! Even the most mundane task, like picking up groceries, would become an event. Maybe we can launch a new initiative: 'Tutu Thursday!' - Itā€™s just too brilliant not to happen. I can see it now ā€“ a street overflowing with pink tulle, and oh, darling, the colour pink! Donā€™t even get me started on tutu colour and design!

To celebrate National Tutu Day, I have prepared a little something special for you. I will be doing my favourite pirouettes on Instagram, yes, that's right! You will be able to join me from the comfort of your living rooms. My dancers are working on some lovely little tutu choreography so watch out for our little showcase. Weā€™re aiming for perfection but really, the enjoyment comes from simply putting on a tutu and letting our hair down.

You'll have noticed I haven't yet given you a list of "10 of the Best Places to Buy a Tutu". Or perhaps the ā€œ15 Things You Didnā€™t Know About Tutusā€ Well, darling, sometimes you just have to go with the flow, let your creative juices mingle, and make up the rules yourself.

Let us, therefore, dedicate this National Tutu Day, April the 16th, 1999, to all things wonderful about tutus, about the glorious femininity and elegance of ballet, and, above all, to the joyful dance that is life. And, who knows, we may inspire others to celebrate, not only National Tutu Day, but every day with a touch of the magic, the spirit, and the undeniable glamour that only a tutu can deliver.

Right, darling, now itā€™s time to dust off the ballet shoes. I feel a little bit of twirling in my future. You heard it here first! And don't forget to share your pictures on social media. Let the tutu world know about your celebratory efforts! #NationalTutuDay #TutuLove #DanceTheNightAway