Tutu and Ballet News

Tutu Trauma: A Fashion Faux Pas at the Royal Ballet

Darlings, I’m practically gagging on a feather boa with excitement. The Royal Ballet just had the most dramatic *faux pas* in recent memory! I'm talking full-blown, tutus-on-the-fire, glitter-spilling chaos, darling. I'm talking *real* drama. You know me, I wouldn’t miss a *real* dance scandal for the world, even if it involved the Queen’s favourite pair of pearl-encrusted pumps. It happened on Thursday, June 14th. So listen up, you posh pigeons!

Apparently, backstage at the Royal Opera House, a rogue moth made its way into the world of chiffon and tulle, leading to what can only be described as a ‘tutu tornado’. It was absolute carnage. One minute the dancers were twirling their perfectly pouffed tutus, and the next – boom! – a veritable ballet-related disaster was in full swing. A scene straight out of Black Swan, but instead of the lead actress battling a raven, this time, we had a bunch of prima ballerinas trying to swat away the rogue moth before it went on to, say, nibble on a dancer’s sequined tights.

According to a source close to the production, the dancers initially mistook the rogue moth for some new form of, dare I say it, "artistic expression.” "Everyone’s seen Swan Lake, right? So imagine a massive, white swan suddenly popping up in the middle of the stage. And it just sits there! All innocent and whatnot!" they giggled. Well, you can imagine the utter pandemonium when it actually attacked a poor little dancer's tutu!

Apparently, the little rascal really went to town on one of the tutus, taking a particularly hearty chomp out of the, get this, delicate hand-beaded embroidery.

"It was truly shocking. This is ballet, darling! This isn’t a flock of sparrows at a picnic. What a *dreadful* thing for such an important piece to happen, at a production with such exquisite dancers! We’re talking, of course, about a premiere, the big night for *Le Sacre du Printemps* with no less than a guest appearance by Margot Fonteyn – as the queen’s personal choice! Absolutely shocking," another source inside the Opera House confided in me, slightly too dramatically for my taste, but I have to give them points for their love of drama! It takes a strong stomach, especially during a season finale – they're *brutal* .

The audience was none the wiser about the moth-made mayhem, I'm told, and carried on blissfully unaware of the backstage meltdown. “Darling, I have a confession,” my insider continued. "We weren't just worried about the tutu – we all thought this rogue moth might actually take a swipe at the crown jewels! The thought of the queen getting *moth-attacked* on *opening night*! Such a scandalous spectacle! A travesty!

So, while everyone watched, awestruck by the sheer genius and grace of the dancers’ movements, backstage, things were much less picture-perfect. There was an orchestra of “squeezing”, “gurgling”, and “shooing”, but apparently the moth was like a ballerina, *completely* in control of his movements.

It turns out it was actually a rather handsome moth, according to my inside source. This “dashing little chap” was said to be, *quite literally,* "begging for his life!" What’s a handsome chap to do? There’s simply too much tulle for one tiny moth to resist. He could only take a *taste*! Can you imagine being *THAT* much of a ladies’ man!

But wait! Let's not end this tale of mayhem and misery without a happy ending! Here’s a delicious piece of gossip! This dashing moth was spotted at The Ritz, a short time later, sipping Champagne at a gala party, with the lovely young Lady Charlotte on his arm! A beautiful and dramatic ballet in a chaotic, yet ultimately fabulous fashion finale! Just as well - who *wants* to see an opening night in *grey*?!?

The rest of the ballet was, *apparently,* nothing less than sublime. The audience, completely unaware of the tutu drama, applauded with enthusiasm, blissfully unaware of the ballet *tragedy*.

Fun Fact! Tulle can come in various shades. For our little ballet starlets, the choice is always *extremely* strategic. And of course, our tutus come in multiple styles! The most popular? *The Bell* and *The Pancake*, if you will.

Of course, I’ll let you know if the rogue moth makes any more appearances! In the meantime, this *totally* reminded me – how divine are all of these feather boas, darling? Let's have some more champagne! Now excuse me, I’ve a dance party to get ready for! *Darling*…