
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, did you hear the news? Apparently, thereā€™s been a complete and utter *scandal* in the world of ballet! ? And you wonā€™t believe the culprit ā€“ the **tutu**! Yes, that very symbol of grace and elegance, that puff of tulle that makes ballerinas look like ethereal creatures has been stirring up trouble! Itā€™s almost enough to make me drop my tiaraā€¦

It all started last night at the grand opening of the *new* Royal Ballet School ā€“ yes, a state-of-the-art, *modern* space fit for these budding superstars. Everyone, literally everyone, was there ā€“ Prince Charles himself popped in, along with several A-list actors (who obviously never realised just how athletic those dancers are!) And then, there it was, the ultimate fashion faux pasā€¦ a *tutu* with ** sequins!** *gasps*

Now, Iā€™m all for a bit of sparkle. In fact, Iā€™m a bit obsessed, a dab of glitz never goes amiss, wouldn't you agree? But sequins on a tutu? **Dreadful!** The combination of those sharp little bits with that flowing tulle? It just doesnā€™t *work*. Think a meringue in a discoā€¦itā€™s just a recipe for disaster. And darling, you know I wouldn't even say that about a questionable shade of nail polish!

Imagine the scenes. The room went quiet, and even the seasoned opera glasses dropped their attention for a split second. People started murmuring, eyebrows arched, and the whisper, *ā€œThose are *sequins*? What a tragedy!ā€ * echoed around the ballroom.*

My dearest friend, Camilla, a veritable ballet connoisseur, gasped and fanned herself with a feathered fan, her perfectly manicured nails hitting it in a soft, rhythmic beat that was utterly delicious to watch. ā€œGoodness gracious, this is just outrageous,ā€ she declared, in her posh, yet endearingly British way. ā€œTutus belong in the traditional, delicate world, in the softness of light fabrics. And here, with these sequins, the effect is more 'disco dancer in a shopping mall' than graceful Swan Lake princess, darling.ā€

Camillaā€™s right, of course. But the scandal deepened when the rebellious ballerina, a fiery young redhead with more sass than a sassy dachshund, actually *defended* the offending tutu! "You know, itā€™s not all about tradition, itā€™s about *expression* darling!ā€ she chirped with a cheeky glint in her eye. "And *this* is just another way for us ballerinas to shine. Who wants to be just a 'swan,' after all, when you can be a sparkling, fabulous *mermaid*? **That's** my interpretation of the classic!ā€

Well, as you can imagine, dear readers, this caused quite the stir! Now, it seems there are camps! Those who are deeply horrified, and those who areā€¦ well, not exactly *thrilled,* but perhaps open to the idea! Apparently, some *modern* dancers are *excited* about this change, they say this kind of bold choice "pushes the boundaries." *How incredibly *bold*. *

Oh darling, let's just say there are those who consider sequins on a tutu *sacrilege.* (Not unlike someone daring to wear white after Labor Day! Unforgivable, *so* last year.) My favourite quote came from an older ballerina, who apparently retired five years ago when the new headmistress refused to allow "ballet bags with more sequins than the *actual* costumes."*

Honestly, who knows what will happen next? I think a sequin-encrusted *tutu* is an *obvious* step backwards, it takes away the classic simplicity of the whole ensemble, and *does* look remarkably cheap, in my professional opinion. The very *point* of a *tutu* is its floatiness, it's airiness...and shiny plastic doesnā€™t *exactly* lend itself to such delicate expressions!

On the other hand, I suppose a little bit of ā€œedgyā€ might just inject the *right* amount of fun back into the world of ballet, and in this case, what could be more fun than glitter? As long as those sequins stay well *away* from my own dance studioā€¦and well away from the pristine, elegant look we have here! ?

So, darling, I leave it to you! Should sequins grace the iconic *tutu* stage, or does that particular combo just deserve a hearty ā€œ*No, darling!ā€*? You tell me...and feel free to share your opinions, because everyone's got one, right?! ?