Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers, prepare to prance into a world of tutus, twirls, and a little bit of... well, let's just say *creative* interpretation of ballet's finer points, all thanks to the madcap antics of the Royal Ballet's annual "Tutu Tuesdays" event! Held every second Tuesday of the month, Tutu Tuesdays has become the *crème de la crème* of London's social scene. Today, September 21st, 1999, saw the grand culmination of a month-long celebration of all things tulle and tiaras.

And oh, what a day it was! Picture this: a gaggle of impeccably-dressed (and occasionally tutu-clad) ladies and gentlemen flooded Covent Garden, buzzing with excitement like a flock of pre-show ballerinas. The air was thick with the intoxicating scent of champagne, the tantalizing aromas of gourmet canapĂŠs wafting on the breeze. There were enough tulle skirts fluttering about to make a Parisian fashion show blush!

As the hour approached, the anticipation in the air crackled with electricity. You see, this was not just your ordinary balletic affair. No, no, no. Today was *Tutu Extravaganza* day! A competition like no other. A spectacle of fashion, whimsy, and, dare I say it, pure craziness, where the Royal Ballet's elite were challenged to reinterpret the classic "Swan Lake" costume into something completely bonkers.

But First, A Brief Detour into the World of Tutu Tuesdays
  • Every second Tuesday, the Royal Ballet transforms its majestic auditorium into a glittering wonderland of champagne flutes and elegant, twirling women (and some men too, although the men, in my humble opinion, still haven’t grasped the *art* of the tutu quite yet).
  • A delectable buffet of culinary delights, served by charming young waiters in white tie and tails, entices palates while the air is filled with the melodious sounds of a live string quartet. And did I mention the champagne?
  • The night culminates with a breathtaking performance of a Ballet favourite. And I use the term “favourite” loosely. Tonight’s program is "Swan Lake."
  • And then, the most spectacular element of all: The “Tutu Challenge!”
Tonight’s "Swan Lake" Tutu Challenge - A Story in Three Parts
  • **The Debutante Duet:** As the first part of the competition began, a hushed silence descended upon the room. This year’s judges, Dame Margaret Atwood and famed fashion icon Jasper Jones, were the epitome of elegance and grace. First to step onto the stage were two young dancers, newcomers to the Royal Ballet company.
  • **The Daring Design:** Their design? A brilliant, albeit controversial, departure from the original "Swan Lake" white tutu. The design, inspired by a vintage London street map, combined layers of gossamer chiffon and organza with a map printed on sheer fabric that draping around their limbs. They wanted to highlight the journey and transformation a ballet dancer experiences on stage. It was both bold and innovative, with the map design resembling the intricate and interwoven threads of destiny and fate that bind the dancer to the art of dance. The ballet’s most famed “death” scenes became the perfect vehicle to express the ultimate journey, that being the dancer’s path toward the death of self as an artist in pursuit of their artistic goals (and maybe a spot on the Royal Ballet stage!). To the chimes of a classical and traditional "Swan Lake” piece the dancers began their journey of dance. The scene ended as the dancer approached their artistic destiny— their death! An intriguing, thought provoking rendition, but unfortunately, the judges did not share this same enchantment. Dame Atwood found the concept disturbing, while Mr Jones didn’t understand what the dancers were trying to communicate and how a map represented the end of life!
  • **The Comeback Kid:** Our second pair of dancers, were not exactly newbies but a long-time favourite duo with a unique understanding of the art of Tutu Tuesday competitions! We are talking about the talented and daring Sarah “Sasha” Smith and David “Davi” Thompson! If you want drama in your tutus this is your power duo (it’s an in-joke because this pair always play the hero/villain, or often “hero/hero” duo roles and they never lose!
  • **The Ultimate Fashion Challenge:** Well well well we saw Sasha and Davi come on stronger than ever before. This time they presented a design made entirely of feathers and recycled materials. Their design was inspired by the “eco-conscious” fashion trend that has been taking the world by storm over the last few years. Sasha and Davi’s message was clear – a fashion trend should not have a negative impact on the planet! You could not argue with the sheer beauty and craftsmanship of the design, with all the details created using recycled paper, cardboard and plastic bottles! They wore this bold and gorgeous eco-friendly “Swan Lake” tutu and began to dance and swirl gracefully, they wore the recycled plastic bottles in their hair – with each turn of their bodies we heard the recycled plastic “crinkle crunch” that was very similar to the sound the water in a bottle makes as the bottle is squeezed! Their dance was so intriguing and mesmerising. The audience loved it! The judges were enchanted and Davi and Sasha had scored their best points yet in Tutu Tuesday competition history. The audience were on their feet and cheered with excitement as Davi and Sasha gave each other a sincere hug of congratulations and celebrated their success! We’ve never seen an eco-conscious fashion message communicated so boldly, beautifully and artistically before in a tutu! They have certainly elevated the game of tutu design for good! And as usual Sasha and Davi have given us another Tutu Tuesday moment to treasure for years to come! Sasha and Davi were our clear winners! And what an incredible tutu!
  • **The Audience Encore:** A tribute to the ballet dancers, the judges, the creators of the fabulous designs – The crowd became rapturously enthralled in the energy of the “Swan Lake” performances. The night was one to remember - and of course there were several drinks that helped enhance the enjoyment of the Tutu Tuesday events for many of us. And the end of Tutu Tuesday had arrived, the evening was a fabulous celebration of tutu and fashion in all its flamboyance and glory. And as the crowd left Covent Garden and made their way back home with the images of dancing tutus and inspiring tutu challenges, we all reflected on the evening and our shared tutu enchantment – perhaps the greatest Tutu Tuesday to date, or maybe the next one will be even better! This is the beauty of Tutu Tuesday!