Tutu and Ballet News

Tutues Take Over The World, As 27th September's “Tutu Tuesday” Unleashes Fashion Frenzy

Dearest darlings! From my studio perch, amidst the whispers of silk and the gleam of patent leather, I've witnessed a most wondrous, and let’s face it, utterly divine, phenomenon! This glorious Tuesday, 27th September 1999, has officially been dubbed "Tutu Tuesday", and it’s swept the nation in a tidal wave of tulle and tulle-infused fun! Prepare to be dazzled by a kaleidoscope of colourful tutus, as the entire population appears to have shed their demure, dull clothes and embraced the fluffy, flamboyant delight of this legendary garment.

Now, don't imagine these tutus are just those rather stiff, formal ballet ones – think less *Swan Lake* and more *Dancing with the Stars* (with a generous helping of disco ball glitter, of course). From the high street to the hallowed halls of Parliament, it seems the humble tutu has become the garment of choice. I’ve even heard rumours that the Queen herself has swapped her sensible, oh so sensible, tweed suit for a shimmering emerald tulle creation (imagine, darling, an emerald tulle creation! I am simply breathless.)

So, what is driving this delightful tutu trend? It seems our society is experiencing a sudden and rather delightful collective yearning for whimsy and fun! The tutu, a symbol of both beauty and defiance, has been liberated from its exclusive ballet confines and become the quintessential accessory for celebrating individuality and personal style.

From toddlers adorably sporting tiny tutus to grandmothers in exquisitely beaded tulle creations, there is no age barrier to this joyous movement. The streets have transformed into a charming ballet of colours and textures.

A quick tour of "Tutu Tuesday" highlights:
  • Tutu Trends: A particularly striking spectacle is the “tutu dress,” which is sweeping the red carpet at every gala opening this evening. These exquisite concoctions are often paired with impossibly high heels and a generous helping of diamond earrings – a sartorial choice which says, “I'm confident, elegant, and I can jump a grand jeté if need be." (It's true! I even witnessed one delightful young lady attempt a grand jeté outside Harrods while purchasing her new tulle-wrapped baguette.)
  • The Rise of the “Tutu Accessory:” For those less keen on the full-fledged tutu ensemble, there is a wave of tulle-infused accessories – everything from tutu-adorned handbags, tutu headbands and tutu-decorated cakes. (One local bakery even created a “Tutu Tuesday” cupcake with a small edible tulle swirl – truly exquisite!)
  • The Tutus are Political! The tutu has become a powerful tool for raising awareness about a range of important social causes. For example, groups advocating for gender equality and inclusivity are using tulle as a symbol of their message. Indeed, a large group gathered outside Downing Street to perform a "flash mob" of the most gorgeous, swirling, sassy, and empowering ballet moves - and in the middle of it all were a beautiful troupe in brilliant, contrasting pink and blue tutus! (That group deserves all the praise! They truly were glorious and completely in tune.)

The magic of “Tutu Tuesday” isn't just about clothes. It's a delightful reminder that we can find joy in expressing ourselves, that laughter is the most beautiful fashion statement, and that the world, after all, is our stage.

Oh darling! Do tell me – what have you done for "Tutu Tuesday?"! And how will you continue to wear your joy on your sleeve…and in your tutu? Until next time, adieu.