Tutu and Ballet News

Tutu Trauma: Is the Ballet World Under Attack?
By Celeste Divine, your resident dance diva

Oh darling, the ballet world has been a-flutter (literally!) after yesterday’s dramatic events at the Royal Opera House. Yes, you heard correctly, a shocking incident involving the beloved tutu! Now, I know what you’re thinking – tutu’s, how can such a symbol of grace and elegance ever be involved in anything untoward? Well, let me tell you, this wasn't your usual ballerina pirouette, darling.

It all unfolded during a grand performance of Swan Lake. Just as our feathery-footed prima ballerina was taking centre stage, doing that famous ‘death swan’ routine, something…well, unexpected, occurred. Right before her final leap, she stopped mid-air, her gaze locking onto something, or shall we say *someone*, behind the curtain! You see, someone (dare I say someone…*evil*?) had decided to snip the tulle of her tutu. But not just any old snip, darling, a **calculated** snip that left only one pathetic wisp of tulle dangling from her left leg! I hear she nearly burst into tears, and we all know, that’s bad luck in ballet!

Imagine the scene, darlings – the orchestra playing those tragic ‘Odile’ notes, while our darling prima ballerina is trying not to look at her mutilated tutu. Then, it got really wild. The entire orchestra stopped playing (unheard of!) and the audience gasped (even the stuffy society types!) while our valiant ballerina held her ground, gave us a *withering* look (seriously, who did this?) then finished her sequence. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call professionalism. The show went on, thankfully, though some rumour she did have a *little* wobbly pirouette here and there!

Naturally, chaos erupted backstage. All eyes are on the culprit, and rumour has it they were wearing a decidedly un-ballerina-esque denim jacket. Let's just say it's been *highly* unfashionable of them, as they’re now being investigated by the Royal Ballet’s newly-established “Tutu Task Force” – yes, that's a thing!

We’re told that this wasn’t just any old tutu. This was a ‘bespoke, custom-made’ creation from the legendary Madame Tulle in Paris. (And dear God, those prices are enough to make your head spin!) Now, what kind of a person would be cruel enough to dismantle a masterpiece like that, darling? It’s all rather uncivilized, don’t you think?

Anyway, to all our lovely ballet buffs, there are some valuable lessons to be learned here:

  • The tutu is sacrosanct. It's a symbol of artistry and dedication, and attacking one is simply a crime against humanity.
  • Don't mess with ballerinas! They’re fierce, graceful and can absolutely kick your behind with their perfectly-trained toes if you’re rude to their tutu!
  • The show must go on, darling, whatever the circumstances. And the Royal Opera House’s swan just went on with flying… well, sort of flying… colours!

And, to my dear readers who have endured my melodramatic ravings, know this – never let anyone snip your wings, darling. But, do always invest in some fabulously fierce tutu protection!

(Celeste Divine is a world-renowned ballet author and influencer, who currently writes for numerous popular dance magazines. This was a fictional account, any resemblance to any actual events or actual people (especially Madame Tulle) is completely coincidental)