Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, gather round! It's your favourite dance dilettante here, ready to dish on the most fabulous, frilly, and utterly ridiculous story of the week, or rather, the century. Let's all just pause for a moment to appreciate the sheer brilliance of the tutu, shall we? Because honey, you just can't go wrong with a cloud of tulle. You wouldn't catch me dead in anything else when it comes to twirling. But listen up, because things have gotten a little, well, tutu-mentary if you know what I mean.

This week, on October 25th, 1999, I stumbled across the most magnificent, bewildering, and utterly chaotic ballet event of my life. Let's just say, darling, that "Gone with the Wind" got nothing on this. Prepare for a tempest in a teapot of feathers, a whirlwind of tulle, and an explosion of sequins like you've never witnessed! It happened in, hold onto your tutus, Birmingham, darlings! It appears that Birmingham’s world-famous ballet company, the Birmingham Royal Ballet, was set to debut their annual Halloween ballet, “The Nutcracker”, this year. Everything was set to go. But, oh my darlings, I've never seen such a disaster. Oh, the irony.

You see, darling, it all started when a gust of wind, not unlike one of those sassy wind machines they use for the show "Hairspray," decided to pay a visit to the Birmingham Royal Ballet studios, right in the middle of a rehearsal. Yes, darling! It seems the ballet company, a bunch of prima ballerinas, all graceful and perfect in their white tutus, was all set to pirouette and arabesque with their beautiful ballerina dreams, when BAM! a massive gust of wind waltzed in, taking the tutus with it, right down the hallway and onto the streets of Birmingham. A cloud of fluffy, white tutus was all over the streets, dear! Not only did the entire company have to put on their performance, right in front of hundreds of eager children, and dignitaries with matching expressions, all while sporting slightly tattered versions of their tutus, oh darling, can you imagine? But apparently the real tragedy is, as if it couldn’t get worse, the wind decided it had more fun in store for the ballet. Right there, on stage, before a horrified crowd, poor Beatrice Beaumont, a celebrated, seasoned ballerina, who should be, frankly, awarded the ultimate title of "prima ballerina," was hit in the head with a particularly large, flamboyant, crimson feather boa from the ballet "Don Quixote", during the big “Sugar Plum Fairy” ballet. It’s true, dear, it’s like a cruel, tutu-loving prank!

So what happened? Darling, it was absolute mayhem, as if all the feathers from Swan Lake were fluttering all around us. Well, first, a local vicar, I mean who would expect to find one at a ballet? But apparently the local church and the Royal Ballet, darling, have some sort of symbiotic relationship, had to take on a calming and conciliatory role in a scene straight out of "The King and I," but it all was absolutely hysterical. I mean, feathers were everywhere. So the poor vicar had to spend his night retrieving feathered boas and feathers, as a makeshift tutu brigade. All this to be done in front of a bewildered public, with an audience of giggling children, darling! Imagine that, all over the local newspapers the next morning.

So, darling, the ballet was a hot mess. Here's a rundown of the situation in Birmingham:

  • The tutu-cide of Beatrice Beaumont, poor, darling, has shaken the ballet world - Yes, it was a minor incident with a feathered boa. And she will survive, the seasoned ballerina that she is. And in fact, darling, you know me, she laughed it off with grace and glamour and made it all about the production. It's a reminder though that sometimes you must roll with the punches of fate.
  • A wind of change - darling, the tutus of the company might be slightly frayed now. But as far as I'm concerned, these girls look positively avant garde. In fact, you'd be lucky to score an invitation to any fashion week show with a display of "artfully destroyed" tutus! What's next, a line of high-end, wind-damaged fashion by "Tutu Disaster" or perhaps, "Frayed at the Ends" or perhaps "A Windy Twirl." Well, that might take a lot of wind.
  • The "Don Quixote" feathered boa goes rogue- oh my dear! Apparently, according to reliable sources, darling, this rouge, red feathered boa has escaped custody at the Birmingham Royal Ballet studios. That feather boa is missing. What is it going to do, darling? Where will it end up, at a football stadium in support of Arsenal, at a charity auction to the highest bidder? One thing's for sure darling, it certainly caused havoc at the ballet! And frankly, all that it has done is make my evening entertaining.

Darling, with all these shenanigans going down at the ballet, what is one to think? This kind of craziness should be a sign for all. What does this tutu chaos mean? The only real thing it tells us is that we’ve never had more fun with tutus. There's only one answer: embrace the wind, dance with the boas, and just enjoy the tutu-ific ride! It’s just proof that all you need in your life is a little tutu flair!