Tutu and Ballet News

Oh my goodness, darling, you won't believe the drama that unfolded at the Royal Ballet last night! You know me, always glued to the telly, and last night was no exception. It all began as usual, with the orchestra tuning up, the audience chattering, and everyone adjusting their evening wear (although I do wonder why they bother with trousers – can’t they see it’s a tutu kind of evening? I’m definitely rocking my sequins tonight, no doubt about it!).

The curtains parted, revealing the breathtaking beauty of Swan Lake – Tchaikovsky at his finest, wouldn’t you say? And then, oh then, the chaos began. I swear, you could have heard a pin drop…and that’s saying something, considering my neighbour was eating her third bag of posh sweets during the ad breaks! A hush fell upon the theatre as, there it was: a rip in poor, sweet Darcey’s tutu.

I mean, I felt for the girl. I have lost my fair share of rhinestones while perfecting my pirouette (my dear darling cat Fluffy has quite a penchant for sparkly things!) , but to have a tutu fail on you? The humiliation must be a ballet nightmare!

For a moment, we all gasped, even the lady who was fast asleep beside me! Then, my darlings, a collective wave of nervous giggles erupted through the audience. Did someone let out a ‘how do you fix that?!’ from the stalls? I couldn’t quite hear with all the tutting, tutting, and giggles, you know?! The poor, embarrassed ballerina paused in the centre, just staring, for a moment, before that lovely gentleman who always plays the lead (sorry darling, his name escapes me) sprang into action with such charm!

Instead of trying to stitch the tutu or pretend it didn’t happen, he whisked Darcey off stage. I say “whisked,” darling – he practically scooped her up in his arms! It was the most gentlemanly and delightful action, you would’ve thought he had seen it a hundred times! Not one person missed a beat, either. Even that snooty lady from the back of the theatre in her oversized sequin jacket – you know the type, darling, all perfume and drama. She looked genuinely moved!

In what seemed like an eternity but probably only a few minutes (who ever remembers time during these things?), they returned, this time with a stunning, brand-new tutu, all in dazzling white and glistening under the stage lights! And I swear, darling, you wouldn't believe this part – the audience burst into thunderous applause! We loved that tutu! And let me tell you, the lady with the sequins in the back almost threw her gloves into the stage - all excited, I tell you, almost like she had a part in it!

Darling, I do declare, it's times like this when the romance and magic of ballet really come alive. Not the drama of tutu ripping but of the graceful performance. Just as I’d hoped. Just a little excitement to brighten my Tuesday, don't you think? My friends and I went on to celebrate this impromptu fashion mishap with a rather glamorous cocktail – something strong and sparkling! What else do you do when there is a fashion and ballet disaster you must discuss! We were discussing everything – the stitching (you know I’ve taken up needlepoint since Covid) and those exquisite feather trims on Darcey's new tutu.

You wouldn’t believe it darling but I actually got so caught up in the whole thing I even started fantasizing about being on the stage myself (wearing a sparkling new tutu of course!) Maybe not yet darling, but the inspiration was quite potent. What do you think?

Until next time, lovelies! Don't forget your sequins!

  • Be careful about those pesky tutus!
  • Let’s not forget the importance of the fashion!
  • And always remember – every drama is a fashion moment in disguise!