Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, gather round, it’s time for another instalment of “The Dance Deets,” where we dive headfirst into the world of tutus, tiaras and, dare I say, titillating toe shoes!

It’s a glorious January day, the year 2000 - can you believe it?! – and my latest gossip nugget comes straight from the Royal Opera House. Rumour has it, a *little* bird whispered something about a tutu tempest that’s got the ballerinas in a flap, darling. Apparently, some of our star ballerinas are absolutely refusing to wear those **classic tutu designs**, you know, the ones that look like, well, a *giant meringue*.

So, what's causing this sartorial showdown, you ask? Well, I gather the new Artistic Director – a wonderfully flamboyant chap, darling, with a penchant for sequins and *very* tight trousers – has decreed that from this point forward, the ballerinas are to embrace **bold and "modern" tutus**. This, it appears, involves less "fluffiness" and *more* "edgy," which basically translates to…well… *fewer feathers.*

The *shock horror* has gone right through the ballet world, darling. Apparently, the ballerinas themselves are all *aghast* - "I feel naked!" shrieked one of our premier ballerinas, poor lamb. Apparently, their comfort, as well as their **self-esteem,** depends upon **four tiers of stiff tulle**, as well as copious quantities of **feather boas**. I, on the other hand, think these "modern" tutus could be positively *glamorous*!

So what can we expect from these daring, new tutu designs? Think geometric shapes, daring cuts, even the occasional, shudder, *sheer* fabric (how scandalous!). Now, you might be thinking, "But Darling, how on earth will a ballerina even lift her leg, never mind *pirouette*, in such scandalous garb?" Well, the rumours have it, it’s *much* easier to lift one’s leg if you’re wearing a tutu the size of a *small armchair*, I can tell you that from personal experience, and quite a *difficult* feat with **a sleek, streamlined, minimalist* number.

There's even talk of the Artistic Director designing **new tutus inspired by *fashion***, now *that* is revolutionary, darling, simply *revolutionary*. Think, for instance, Alexander McQueen's *“bumster”* designs or a **John Galliano inspired, avant-garde *“deconstructed”* number** – I simply cannot imagine the shockwaves, darling! (The director has, quite scandalously, rejected any "fashionista inspired" tutus but, we live in hope!).

Now, one can’t have a ballet controversy without *some* drama, can one? My dear, it’s like they’re **playing out a *dramatic* episode of *“Strictly Come Dancing”*, but with **far less sequins**, far less *“glitterballs”* and more **serious, dramatic artistry**!

This dramatic tutu *crisis* has made for rather a lively social whirl in the dance circles, darling! **Whispering** in coffee shops and **hiss-whispers** between dance classes have been the order of the day. Apparently, one famous prima ballerina, known for her flamboyant *persona*, had **quite the tantrum** when the new tutus were revealed. “I will *not* be performing in such *drab* clothing!” she exclaimed, apparently **stomping off to a nearby champagne bar for solace and some *very expensive* vodka tonic**!

Oh, it’s all so dramatic and *thrilling*! This is all *very exciting*, darling, and truly gives the whole dance world a *whirl* of extra pizazz! All this tutudrama is rather delicious. We *love* to see these feisty ballerinas stand their ground, fighting for what they believe in. Who could ever think a simple little tutu could create so much controversy? (But of course, there’s always time for a splash of controversy, it wouldn’t be fashion otherwise).

Now, *that*, my darlings, is *drama*. As for me, I can hardly wait to see this revolutionary new approach to the ballet tutu in all its glory. My intuition tells me, these *bold* new designs will truly change the face of ballet. And, my dearest dears, you can be sure *The Dance Deets* will be there to chronicle it all! Now, until next time, stay stylish, and *be kind to your sequins!*