Tutu and Ballet News

It’s official, darlings. Tutus are officially back in fashion. Not in the “you-gotta-be-kidding-me” way, but in the “you-better-believe-it” way. It seems the fashion gods, in their infinite wisdom (or possibly just boredom), have decided to bring back a little bit of whimsy and a whole lot of tulle to our wardrobes. The proof? This morning’s front page of the *Daily Mail*: "Tutues - Not just for dancing anymore!”

While my inner ballerina has been positively bouncing (pun absolutely intended) ever since hearing this glorious news, I am well aware that some of you may have less-than-thrilled eyebrows raising at this development. Let's be honest, the idea of a tutu in our daily lives can be quite the image-clash, like finding a vintage gramophone on a spaceship.

I wouldn’t blame you for your initial apprehension. “Tutus? Aren't those...you know...for those dancers with the long legs and perfect hair, prancing about on the stage, the very definition of elegance?”

Yes, you’re right! They are. But so are those high-heeled shoes we religiously adore, and let’s face it, they haven’t exactly been known for their practicalities either! However, there is an undeniable power, a certain je ne sais quoi, that comes with wearing a tutu. They ooze femininity, a touch of ethereal, a sprinkle of *that* whimsical fairytale dust. They say "I'm here to have a good time, and I’m wearing this tutu to show the world that, darn it, I can!"

Now, let’s talk about what actually works, because honestly, darling, there are definitely **dos and don'ts** when it comes to rocking the tutu as an everyday fashion item. First, let's clear something up: this isn’t about recreating your childhood dreams of waltzing on stage with the Royal Ballet. No. That's a recipe for a full-on meltdown and, potentially, a broken heart when you find you can’t execute a proper pirouette without getting the hem caught in your tights (or your cat, as is sadly very likely).

Instead, think about incorporating a “Tutu-esque” element into your outfit, something to add a bit of playful mischief without transforming you into a walking, talking “Ballerina Gone Wrong”. So, we’re looking for “hints of tulle” here - not full-on tulle-explosion! Think of the Tutu as a sophisticated whisper, not a loud scream!

And don't forget, the power of the *attitude*! Even the most seasoned ballet dancer wouldn’t dare put on a tutu without the perfect expression, the kind that says “I know how good I look, but you didn’t need to tell me!”

So, without further ado, let's dive into what's hot (and what's *so* not) in the tutu-fied world of fashion:


  • The "Tutu-tastic Skirt." Think midi or maxi length in black, navy or even blush, with a subtle hint of tulle, creating a delightful, whimsical touch.
  • The "Tutu-Top". Yes, this one does involve a little more commitment! But, oh the possibilities. Go for a little black tulle crop top for that chic look that says "I'm effortlessly put together", or try a blush pink tulle top with a relaxed white blouse or t-shirt for a dreamy boho vibe.
  • The "Tutu-Accessorize." Now this one's for the bold and beautiful, the fashionistas who can confidently rock an unexpected touch! A little tulle bow, some tulle-covered bangles or earrings - think delicate and subtle! Don’t even think about full-on tulle accessories!

And while we’re on the topic of accessorizing, let's give a resounding NO to **anything resembling a pointe shoe** outside of the dance studio! Those things have to remain inside that very specific place where people wear leotards!

So not!

  • "The full-on Tutu-disaster" – unless you’re attending a fancy dress party (and it’s a themed one at that). Seriously. Full tulle skirt, tulle top - even those "adorable" ballerina wings you secretly still own - you’re basically begging for ridicule. And I’m not kidding. Just don’t!
  • "The Tulle-Tsunami" – As I’ve said, go for subtle, sweet, playful - not "I raided the tutu shop" and got all “Carrie Underwood” at the last minute!
  • "The tutu-out-of-context” – This one is important! Keep in mind that your choice of “Tutu” and “occasion” must make sense! Don’t go rocking a sparkly, pink tutu to a job interview. And, *Please*, think twice about bringing a full tutu on a date - unless your date is someone from the world of dance, you’re really pushing it.

Ultimately, darlings, when it comes to wearing tutus in everyday life, be sure to make it work *for* you. It’s not about dressing as a ballerina – it's about using the “Tutu-vibe” to create a statement and inject your look with a playful energy.

This, ladies, is where we stand on the Tutu front. Be adventurous, stay sophisticated, and never forget to keep a touch of magic in your life! And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find a vintage tutu that will take my day-to-day outfits to the next level!