Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darlings, buckle up your ballet slippers and grab your feather boas, because it’s time for a little tea, tattle and tutus! Today, July 7th, 2000, the world of dance has reached peak ridiculousness. Well, you could say it’s been there since Marie Antoinette requested a “perfectly puffy” tutu for her latest waltzing session, but you get the gist.

Let’s get to the nitty gritty. This morning, an extraordinary announcement shook the world of professional dance, a truly momentous day for everyone, especially those of us with a soft spot for all things tutus.

Imagine, if you will, a room full of ballerinas, legs longer than a royal Ascot hat, faces contorted in a perfect, yet impossibly painful smile (ballet girls, am I right?). This room, bursting with pinks, blues and every shade of ballet shoe, became the stage for the unveiling of the “Tutu Revolution”

It all began with a speech (very dramatic, of course), by a prominent, beloved ballerina – shall we say a woman who knows how to hold a pliĂ© with an air of absolute nonchalance and knows what shade of pink best reflects her inner glow? She declared (quite bravely, we have to admit), that "Enough is enough!" (she was a bit dramatic, darling, a tad theatrical) before continuing her eloquent and beautifully presented manifesto about a new era in tutus.

But darling, it gets even more bonkers.

The big news is this: The beloved, oh-so-classically-elegant ballerina outfit is, *whisper it* ...changing. Yep. You heard me. No longer will we see the same predictable "cloud-like" tulle and stiff bodices. (Those were indeed a look darling, back in the 18th century, *wink wink*). Gone are the days of "ballerina boring!" The “Tutu Revolution,” is upon us, a whirlwind of tutus unlike anything seen before.

Here is a taste of the groundbreaking ideas we can expect from this thrilling and stylish development :

  • Tutues adorned with glitter that makes it look like the dance studio has become a discotheque, or as some less tasteful critics called it: “A sparkly trainwreck”
  • Tutus designed by avant-garde designers (and yes, we're talking sequins and more sequins). Think "avant garde chic" on the dance floor
  • The inclusion of, well, hold your breath darling... tutus featuring patterns (gasp!) Yes! Not your typical white or black - but oh darling, think: tutus adorned with polka dots! And if polka dots isn't radical enough, there’s stripes! Can you believe it, my darlings? This is revolutionary!
  • Oh, and let's not forget, darling, they are exploring the world of fabric! (gasp!) The traditional tulle is going to have a rival! This is big.

Now, I must admit, the internet has gone *wild*, *furious* even! *Gulp* It seems there's been an outcry (what an eloquent phrase darling) from traditionalists who can't believe this is actually happening! They shrieked with the fury of an injured ballerina! Some even called for the immediate repeal of this daring sartorial movement (how silly, darling). What are they scared of? They claim tutus, by definition, must always be "graceful," “classically romantic” and “poetic,” in a word, traditional (who ever would have thought?)

Of course, darling, they’re just worried that the elegance of dance will be tarnished! That such revolutionary designs will only serve to disrupt the *flow*, and detract from the sheer “perfection” of ballet itself. Well, I say hogwash! To them I say: Let the dancers be free, let the dancers *dance* (that rhymes darlings!) I mean what would we be if all ballerinas looked the same? How utterly predictable.

We at “Dance Delight Magazine” stand fully behind the “Tutu Revolution,”! And, let's face it darling, in the end, isn't all dance, ultimately about art? (Let’s be honest here, darlings – we don’t want the dancers wearing those “frumpy”, practical-looking clothes, right?). Who can say what tomorrow holds (think of all those *fabulous* tutu designs that are about to be unveiled!), But as I sip my Earl Grey this evening, with a sprinkle of sugar and an even larger sprinkle of sequins, I can only smile with pure, untarnished, bliss! This is the tutu revolution and the future looks
 fabulous, darlings.