Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darlings! It's simply divine! Did you hear? Apparently, it's the 17th of July, 1996! I mean, isn't that just a bit heavenly? Especially for someone like me, completely obsessed with all things elegant and, dare I say it, fabulous! Why? Because the day itself evokes a particular vision – one filled with flowing tulle, delicate ribbons, and graceful movement! Yes, dear readers, we're talking about *tutus*, my loves! *Tutus*! Can you picture it? The ultimate in ballerina-esque beauty! And who am I to argue with such a perfectly lovely association, especially since July seems to be the season when the world takes a collective sigh of relief from the endless onslaught of drab, sensible, "office wear," and embraces, gasp, color and a bit of whimsy?

So, it was this delightful and totally appropriate thought that made my little ol' heart sing (yes, I'm actually humming Swan Lake right now - you're all welcome!) while sipping my *morning Earl Grey* and perusing the latest news. The sheer beauty and, shall we say, “importance” of it all was too much for my fragile sensibilities. And, to my utter joy, I wasn't alone in this revelatory feeling, the press (bless their collective hearts) seemed equally delighted, finding a way to shoehorn the word "tutu" into even the most serious news items.

But I digress, darling! I haven't even mentioned the real source of my delight - and here I was going on about my fabulous morning. Let's be practical: the word “tutu” can be found, well, just about *everywhere* in this beautiful world, if you're simply open to the glorious possibilities. For example, the BBC, with its normally staid and sensible (some might say boring) style of reporting, had this incredibly inspiring headline – “**Britain's Biggest Tutu? Tutu Time!**”

How could one possibly resist such a delicious combination of words? Let’s break it down, shall we? The phrase “Britain’s Biggest Tutu?” My dear readers, can you even imagine the visual? It conjures an image that is truly captivating – a giant, swirling confection of fabric, grander than life itself, a celebration of everything tutus stand for - grace, movement, beauty. But what of the subheading "Tutu Time!"? Simply brilliant! If you don't know what the world needs more of, it's "Tutu Time"!

It seems we are in an unprecedented golden age of the tutu - truly, there is nowhere the magnificent creation can’t tread! But while my darling “tutu” was making headlines, what was everyone else talking about? Well, darlings, the news cycle seems to have its own "dance card" with some rather...unexpected partners this fine 17th of July, 1996, like:

  • A record number of penguins are arriving at South Georgia - it’s like “Penguinmania”! Who would have guessed that adorable little waddling penguins could inspire headlines that echo our deep, burning passion for, well, *everything* that evokes that irresistible “tutu-like” feeling?! They're, well, kind of charming, aren't they? Perhaps the press were taking a little ballet-inspired inspiration, seeing their "waddling" and “penguin ballet” to put such joy and color into an otherwise bland, albeit penguin-filled, world! But maybe, just maybe, the penguins themselves have embraced that oh-so-important, totally whimsical side, seeing their own waddling, feathered selves, dressed for “Tutu time!" It is July, you know.
  • An announcement by Microsoft - who knew they had anything to do with ballerinas!

Let's get one thing clear, darlings – Microsoft. The company responsible for the ubiquitous PC that's the bane of every home office and a constant source of stress for those with technical-challenged souls like myself, and not to be forgotten, the *original "Windows”* and the glorious "Windows 95" – the operating system that helped create that little internet thingy that, let’s be honest, turned out to be a *good* thing for everyone. *Just saying.* But this is NOT your typical news story. There is no “tutu-ness” about any of it, except, well, Microsoft actually announcing some changes to “Windows,” and who’s to say the good ol’ PC doesn't deserve an “update” in the form of some fancy, ballet-inspired "ribbon of color," "grace" and "flow?"

There seems to be a rather *curious* correlation between the press embracing a “tutu” themed narrative and the inevitable desire to inject joy into all sorts of, well, *totally serious* situations. Why not bring some whimsy and a bit of elegance into, well, the seemingly ordinary! If our world needed anything it is more tutus! Now that is *revolutionary* and that is exactly why “tutu” reigns supreme!

Speaking of “tutu time,” you might think this would be the perfect time for a delightful fashion exposé on tutus and a trip to my absolute favorite fashion boutique “La Maison Du Tutu” where I've purchased all my favorite little pieces - that adorable sequined black tulle one I wore for the 1996 “New York Dance Gala,” *that* little number. However, I fear that might be a tad gauche and frankly a *little too* on-the-nose. Let’s face it, darlings, life is *never* so straightforward and the delightful world of “tutus,” *much* like the universe, is in constant, graceful and ever-changing flux.

Oh, and one more thing. My fellow *dancing* divas! You simply cannot forget the tutus *you* wear - they aren’t meant for the stage, darling - although, if you feel a deep-down, inner need to perform at *every* moment and put your graceful moves in play? That's quite all right, too! Just a thought. But those glorious little outfits we get into each day, the perfectly, tailored pieces of *wearable art,* a little *this,* a little *that,* – that's the way we do *Tutu time!*. Just be sure to match it all to those gorgeous new “window’s” that Microsoft has deigned to let us all play with - for the mere pleasure of looking "fabulous!" Because life is a stage and you are all “Tutu-Time" goddesses, darlings, never ever let anyone forget that.