Oh darling, you wouldn't BELIEVE the scene at the Royal Opera House last night. The Royal Ballet's production of Swan Lake was as usual, a sight to behold, a sea of graceful swans gliding across the stage. However, dear reader, there was a slight sartorial mishap that left the audience agog, and my social media feeds in a flurry of tulle-tastic frenzy!
The whole thing started innocently enough. It was the Act II finale, all the swans in their heavenly white tutus, you know, the iconic ones, the ones that make every ballerina look like a ballerina, even if, *whispers*, they haven't quite perfected the jetรฉ. But then, out of the blue, a gust of wind - no, it was more like a hurricane in the rehearsal room - took hold of the very first swan, you know, the principal, the one everyone is always comparing to swans from years ago, darling! Her beautiful tutu, oh darling, it took flight! It practically floated like a swan itself!
We all gasped. It was truly an incredible feat of aeronautical tutu-ing. And the crowd went wild! A ripple of laughter, you see, followed by a frenzy of applause. The conductor missed a beat, darling, you could tell he wasn't quite sure if he should call for a stop. But the audience wouldn't hear of it! They roared with delight, they screamed for more, they were spellbound by this unforeseen, this *delightful*, deviation from the script. And who could blame them? A tutu in mid-air is a sight to behold, darling!
Then, just as the tutu had gracefully lifted off the stage, it decided to come back down. Now, this is the part where the ballerina did an amazing thing. It wasn't like a bird crash-landing, oh darling, she simply caught the tutu mid-flight. There she stood, like a goddess, like a real life Greek statue, perfectly balanced, perfectly posed, in front of a magnificent billowing cloud of tulle.
Darling, the performance continued. The crowd, now giddy with joy, screamed, clapped, even sang along, because let's face it, *Swan Lake* is all about *Swan Lake*. You know what, maybe it's because we've been watching the same moves for a century now that it took something out of the ordinary, something absolutely ridiculous, to truly ignite our souls. Or maybe it was the pure sheer magic of that tutu, drifting through the air, defying gravity, dancing its own, unique, swan-like ballet. And yes, I am talking about the tutu, not the swan, because you know, *darling*, it took the entire performance and made it utterly unforgettable!
Now, you might think this would be a terrible scandal, a travesty, a disgrace to the hallowed halls of the Royal Opera House. But you'd be wrong, darling. No, we're all laughing about it. There were tweets, you see, instagrams, blog posts - *tutu mayhem!* was trending for days. And it's only given us all something delightful to talk about over cucumber sandwiches and Pimms, which let's face it, is how we *truly* engage in conversation over *Swan Lake*, no?
This event, this little ballet catastrophe, showed us something truly important, dear reader. It reminded us that perfection is overrated, and that sometimes a little bit of delightful mayhem, of tutu-led frivolity, can turn a night at the ballet from a respectable affair to a full-on entertainment extravaganza! So go on, darling, buy yourself a little something fluffy, embrace the imperfections, the untidiness, the whimsical - because the world is much more beautiful, and dare I say, *funner*, when a tutu can simply decide to take flight.
Now, here are a few style tips I picked up from last night's production, which can really turn any old night into a *swan-tastic* evening:
- Tutu-ed up: Okay, I know I'm being silly. But the tutu did make a statement! Think big tulle, and consider experimenting with pastel shades and bold colors.
- Swan-song makeup: Keep it dewy. Dewy skin with a bold lip and lots of shimmer. Because let's be honest, everyone looks beautiful under the soft lights at the theatre, and we don't want to go for "dead" swan makeup!
- Hair and more hair! Swan Lake is *dramatic*, and so should your hair be! Updo? Sure! Curly, braided, whatever your swan-ly heart desires!
Have fun and remember, dear reader, be like the tutu and just float!