Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, gather 'round for a spot of tea and gossip, because the world of ballet has gone absolutely bonkers! Apparently, yesterday - 18 July 1996 - was *National Tutu Day*. You know, the day we celebrate those gloriously billowing symbols of grace and elegance - the *tutus*! Now, don't get me wrong, I adore a good tutu. The perfect pouf of tulle, that little bit of puff, the way they whirl with such ethereal beauty… it's almost *too* perfect. But *National Tutu Day*? This feels like someone took a sugar plum to the head, darling!

Anyway, the madness didn't stop there. There were all sorts of "tutu-licious" shenanigans happening all over the place. The Royal Ballet staged a performance where every dancer wore *a* tutu - not *the* tutu - a *different* tutu! Imagine, darling! A veritable sea of fluffy skirts, like a flock of swans gone tutu-mad!

And over in the West End, there was a "Tutu-ing Challenge", a competition to see who could wear the most tutus at once. Now, I'm all for a good bit of fun, but *multiple* tutus? It's like someone took a sugarplum, threw it in a washing machine, and then had a competition to see who could wear the resulting explosion of tulle. And did I mention, there was a guy, a real *chap* who wore, *brace yourself darling*, *six* tutus!

The *coup de grâce* came from the head of the Royal Ballet School. The *goodness*! He, apparently, wore a tutu in the middle of a live television interview, with the caption: *Yes, even ballet instructors wear tutus!*. He actually looked pretty cute in it!

Now, look, darlings, let’s get one thing straight: I'm all for spreading the love of ballet, of course! But frankly, this was more like *National Tutu Day Disaster*. You wouldn't believe the comments! Some were appalled. "This is a disgrace!" they said. "We must reclaim the purity and sanctity of the ballet, before it's tainted by this tutu-mania." Honestly, dear, some people take this art form *far too seriously.*

But, honestly, do we *need* to?

Maybe we do! Maybe we all *need* a little more tutu in our lives. Maybe this whole day was about reminding us that ballet is, ultimately, a playful, joyous art form. Maybe it's a reminder that it's okay to wear a tutu and be utterly ridiculous sometimes. And let’s be honest, darlings, seeing men in tutus *does* add a little je ne sais quoi, don't you think?

So, in the grand scheme of things, this was probably a good thing, darling. After all, wouldn't you rather be tutu-ing than frowning at a ballet program? Just *imagine* the outfits you could pull off! Maybe some floral print, or polka dots. We’ll just need a *little* more of a dance party to accompany all that extra tulle. That, and the right, supportive ballet shoes! I suggest, of course, pink and sparkly, darling, *pink and sparkly*! We'll see how much tutu the public can actually handle!