
Tutu and Ballet News

Tutus Take Over Trafalgar Square: A Dance of Chaos and Delight

Darling, you wouldn't believe the scene down at Trafalgar Square today! Apparently, it's some kind of "International Tutu Day," and well, let's just say it was a sight to behold, or, perhaps, "to tut-tut." Hundreds of people, from adorable little ballerinas-in-training to grandmothers in surprisingly chic granny tutus, had gathered for the most bonkers ballet bash London's ever seen!

It all kicked off with a rather delightful (and slightly surreal) mass ballet lesson, led by a rather jolly fellow with a booming voice and a tiny pink tutu (no, darling, it wasn't the sort of thing one might wear to a swanky club). We're talking "Waltzing Matilda" with a full-length pouffe of pink tulle - it was absolutely hilarious!

And the tutus, darling, they were divine! From the classic pale pink to an absolute riot of colour โ€“ neon green, electric blue, shimmering gold, there was something for everyone, even my favourite colour, scarlet red, making a fabulous appearance on one particularly bold granny who clearly had a twinkle in her eye and an extra-large twinkle in her heart. I dare say I've never seen so much tulle in one place โ€“ it was a dream come true, even if some of the twirling did, at times, turn a tad bit disastrous!

Here are a few highlights of this absolutely smashing day:

  • A tap-dancing dachshund, darling, in a tiny, tailored tutu โ€“ the sheer chutzpah of it all! I swear I saw a twinkle in that little dachshund's eyes as it tapped out a perfect jig, much to the delight of all gathered around. The only problem? I'm not quite sure that tiny tutu had the capacity to hold all those little dog biscuits.
  • A troupe of teenagers in shimmering turquoise tutus attempted the "Swan Lake" adagio, with a rather hilarious result. I'm fairly certain they were aiming for elegance and grace but ended up looking more like a flock of startled swans with a slight case of the giggles.
  • An older gentleman in a floral print tutu and a very elaborate beard, was twirling with gusto, much to the amusement of the younger generation who were filming him for Tik Tok (they were simply the life of the party!). His tutu was so perfectly paired with a well-worn blazer that he managed to give off the impression of a rather delightful Victorian gentleman gone completely mad for dance.
  • A gaggle of pensioners, all wearing sparkly pink tutus, and carrying teacups, managed to form a beautiful conga line which wound its way across the square, stopping only to have a polite cup of tea. It was the sort of tea party even Mary Poppins would be impressed with.
  • There was a very enthusiastic, not to mention rather well-endowed gentleman (Iโ€™m only stating the obvious, darling, in case anyone has missed the rather significant bulges of his leotard) attempting to pirouette. The result? A whirlwind of a mess but hilarious all the same. The only consolation is that his pink tutu was big enough to hide his potential mishap!

Darling, the best bit of the day, was the general atmosphere - the sheer delight, the playful absurdity, the sense of joyful silliness. Everyone was just letting loose, twirling with abandon, having a grand old time. It was a celebration of all things ridiculous, a gloriously bonkers spectacle that showed that, sometimes, all you need to have a really fabulous day is a little bit of twirling, a dash of whimsy, and, of course, a truly spectacular tutu!