
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, did you know that the 15th December, 1996 was not only a glorious day for Christmas shopping and indulging in mince pies, but also a momentous occasion for the world of ballet? No, not the birth of a famous dancer or a triumphant premiere - but the day the *tutu* officially became a sartorial force to be reckoned with!

It's a tale that would make even the most hardened critic swoon. This was the day the National Ballet of Moldavia announced they were taking a stand, and it wasn't a mere "fifth position". This was a rebellion, a statement! Their beloved, meticulously crafted tutus, were in a sartorial strop, and quite frankly, they weren't going to have it anymore! They weren't just pretty things twirling in the air! They were an art form, darling! And they were demanding respect!

Oh, darling, you simply must know what happened! The *tutudrama*, as it became known, unfolded in the most spectacular manner, involving pink tutus protesting against the sheer number of *rouge* red tutus on stage - was it some kind of socialist statement? I *think* the ballet world is *still* wondering! Anyway, the tutus staged a magnificent, perfectly coordinated strike!

The strike's main demands:
  • No more forced pirouettes. Apparently they have an aversion to dizziness - *well darling, who can blame them?*
  • More respect from choreographers. "It's not all about you!" they demanded.
  • An official "tutu tax" to support retired dancers, for goodness' sake! It wasn't as if they're living on champagne and caviar!
  • A 20% discount at any shop selling lace trim - darling, let's face it, it's not like the tutu is getting paid overtime to go out there and be absolutely magnificent every night.

Naturally, all of this caused quite a stir! Imagine the utter pandemonium, darling! The director, he *did* look flustered!

But guess what happened next, you *dearest* reader? Instead of ending in an all-out dance riot, the ballet troupe gave a beautiful and *rather* hilarious performance, albeit slightly muted... you know how they *love* the volume... the ballet company dressed entirely in *tights* instead. Tights, my love, the undergarments for ballerinas - not a single tutu to be seen!

Now, some may have thought this was a desperate attempt by the troupe to please the tutus, but darling, I knew the *truth* - *it* was the perfect demonstration of how *fabulous* they were - *sans tutu*!

Well, as it turns out, the *tutudrama* *was* all a misunderstanding. It seems, the Moldavian ballet company's designer had *misunderstood* what they *meant* by "making tutus more affordable for everyone". They had taken it to heart, literally, and designed *tiny* tutus!

"We know tutus are fabulous and can be quite pricey," they said in a statement - *the company not the tutu mind you!* "But these new designs are made of the finest, finest lace from Italy... and I really thought this new design, these *itzy bitzy* little beauties would be a smash! It was just too cute!" Well, dear, sometimes, you really *can* have too much of a good thing. They haven't been seen in public ever since. But there are rumours, *always* rumours...that maybe *just* maybe they might return for next year's Christmas season, and I can't wait to see! Just try and stop the fabulous *tutu* darling, go on!