
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, you simply *must* know about this. It's the *most* delicious scandal to hit the ballet world since the Bolshoi's resident prima ballerina was caught canoodling with the resident frog at the Royal Opera House, which, of course, nobody believed but the entire, well-heeled theatre crowd. *Quelle horreur!*

Yes, dear reader, this story is *shocking* ā€“ but in the most divine, delightful way possible. You see, the London Royal Ballet is abuzz with gossip. It's all about tutus, those iconic frilly emblems of ballet and grace! And believe me, darling, there is a LOT to say about it.

It all started on Tuesday, 24th April, with the release of their *new* Spring 2001 collection! Can you *imagine*? Just imagine, those *divine* tutu designs, all the possibilitiesā€¦but it seems that some of the ballerinas aren't quite so *enchantingly* pleased.

**Letā€™s break it down:**

  • The Tutu-Crisis! Apparently, this new collection was *all* about "simplicity" ā€“ a big, **big** word in fashion darling! You can practically *hear* the gasps, right? But, this means less *rouche*, less *ruffles*, and sadly, a lack of the *divine* "frou-frou" they so desperately need! (I, however, *must* say the sleek, modern, minimalist lines were positively *fabulous!* I personally *adore* a sleek look - perfect for showcasing the beautiful leg line!).
  • The "Tutu-Revolution"! Let's just say, the response to these modern tutus is about as *dramatic* as the "Swan Lake" pas de deux. Apparently, some of the *more* "senior" ballerinas (dare I say it? **The diva-do-daā€™s**!) feel it simply won't *suit* their "statuesque, classic, *"beauty"*...Darling, their demands are like a well-rehearsed routine!
  • The ā€œTutu-Talkā€ - The Ballerina Gossip! You know how *desperate* for drama some of the younger girls are. *Whisper*, this all seems so, *so* reminiscent of our *high school* days ā€“ and by *heavenly* high school, I do *mean* The Sacred Heart Convent of Kensington - where, as you *know*, everyone has *quite* the penchant for *gossip*! The rumour millā€™s swirling about ā€œtutu protestsā€! Iā€™ve heard tales about ballet barres shaking, silent tears flowing from perfectly winged eyeliner... And as the new *season* gets into its full swing - with the most incredible, cutting edge, contemporary works about - it really *feels* like something spectacular will happen - or just *happen*, well *everything is bound* to be most *divine*.

**Darling, you simply canā€™t get away from drama - even in the hallowed halls of ballet, where perfection reigns! **

Now, about those tutus. I do find the *newest* ones *simply* *too* stark... perhaps I am becoming a bit *too* sentimental, a bit *too* old, perhaps? A good friend of mine (I must remain *discrete*!), said the new ones look like "cheap dishcloths". I told her I found the modern, *slimline* and streamlined styles... *exquisite!*

Personally, darling, I would wear every one, any day! You know I adore an interesting *design*! And *you know* I donā€™t really have a *bad* word to say, so just a touch of *scampish* *sass* wonā€™t hurt, right?

Honestly, this "tutu crisis" - darling, we all have to *love* it, the theatre - it's like a box of exquisite chocolates. You never know what you will get - but the *chocolate* will *always* be a perfect treat - no matter the wrapping.