
Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, itā€™s me, your favourite dance diva, back with another juicy scoop from the world of ballet! It's a sweltering 18th June, 2001, the sun is shining, and you know what that meansā€¦ It's time to discuss tutus!

Tutu Drama at The Royal Ballet

Hold onto your tiaras, darlings, because the world of ballet is in a bit of a flap. It appears there's been a grand scandal at The Royal Ballet! Rumours are swirling that some of the ballerinas are, well, *gasp*, *shudder*, *shriek*... daring to *wear* *the* *same* *tutu* *twice!*

Yes, you heard that right! They are daring to repeat their tutus. A *tragedy*! It appears some of these ballerinas have grown so desperate to stretch those already-strained budgets that they are sacrificing the most vital element of any ballet performance! What's the point of Swan Lake if the White Swan can't afford a fresh new fluffy tutu for every performance? Don't these ballerinas realise the public has expectations?!

The culprit, it seems, is none other than the formidable Prima Ballerina, Miranda de Vere, whose love of an extravagant, feathery tutu is almost as well known as her dazzling, and admittedly rather impressive, pliƩs! This is shocking! The whole point of Miranda de Vere is the *illusion* that each tulle blossom is brand new. Let me tell you, if you need to cut corners, cut them on the shoes! But never the tutu!

But darling, hereā€™s where things get truly scandalous. The Royal Balletā€™s head honcho, a man named Baron Fitzwilliam (who Iā€™m told, has a terribly lovely monocle and keeps his moustache perfectly waxed, much like a ballet shoe) has actually come out *in support* of this, shall we say, sartorial faux pas!

Yes, the *Baron* has defended the unthinkable: **reusing** tutus! He argues itā€™s for a *noble* cause. ā€œSaving the planet,ā€ apparently, is the term they're using. Who knew ballerinas had such *social* conscience? They might be spending more on that mascara than on their environmental consciousness, I say. Honestly, it is simply outrageous. It's tutu-tally unacceptable, darling, tutu-tally!

But, I digress. What has the Baronā€™s audacity got us all talking? Well, let me tell you, this is causing a massive, tutulastic storm amongst the dancers themselves. Some say this is the end of true artistry. They say it will degrade the standard of performances. The horror!

On the other hand, *whispers*, there are whispers about a group of rebellious, young dancers who think that reusing tutus could, gasp, be... *stylish*! These radical young ballerinas actually believe there's a sense of, well, *sustainability* to be found in giving those feather-dusted beauties a second chance! Shocking! The nerve! Are they going to bring *yoga* mats to rehearsals next?

And whatā€™s worse, darling, is that, I hear rumours that thereā€™s aā€¦ a ā€¦ *fashion designer* interested in these very special "pre-loved" tutus! Yes, you heard that right, *pre-loved*. Imagine the fashion potential, darling, especially if those tutus have a story! But are ballerinas really going to lower themselves to *collaborating* with some *fashion designer*? How shocking!

Thereā€™s also talk, you see, about starting a campaign to raise funds for new, bespoke tutus! Now thereā€™s a worthy cause if Iā€™ve ever heard one! Can we even call it ballet anymore if there are not new tutus in every production? I would argue the *rehearsals* should be filmed with full-length tutus every time just so we can be certain it's a genuine art form.

What are your thoughts, darling? Do you think that dancers should reuse tutus, even if it is to "save the planet", or should they maintain the highest possible standard of luxury? I await your reply with bated breath!

And thatā€™s my *tu-tu* for today, darlings! See you next time! And don't forget to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment - or even better, send a message directly! But make sure your comments are dripping in fashion. No sloppy second-hand words!