Tutu and Ballet News

Oh My Tutu, What A Day!

Dearest darlings, let’s get one thing straight: tutus are having a moment, a moment that needs to be acknowledged, celebrated, and yes, even critiqued. It's not just a dancewear item; it's a symbol. A symbol of dreams, of elegance, and, sometimes, of a questionable colour choice.

Now, I'm not a tutu purist. I appreciate the classic, romantic, swishing grandeur of a traditional tutu as much as the next ballerina. But, darling, let's be real, the world is crying out for more… daring! More fun! More fashion!

And that brings us to today, June 25th, 2001, a day that shall forever be remembered as the "Day of the Tutu Explosion". What do I mean by "explosion"? Let's just say that today, my friends, we saw tutus in places they've never been seen before, and some of them looked… well, a little "avant-garde", shall we say.

Firstly, this morning, in the heart of our beloved city, a flock of pigeons – I’m not kidding, a whole flock – decided to have a ballet rehearsal. Apparently, someone thought a tutu would enhance their dance moves. Honestly, it looked like a feathered frill had wandered into the wrong set. Let's just hope it wasn't the famed Royal Ballet Company. That would be...awkward.

Secondly, what happened in Covent Garden was absolute bonkers! There, in the heart of London's bustling theatreland, the famous Covent Garden Market went tutu-crazy. No, not the market itself, that's a different sort of frenzy. I mean, a dozen people dressed in various iterations of tutus, from the most exquisite fluffy concoctions to, and I kid you not, one that was crafted entirely out of paper shopping bags (honestly, I can't even) started a flash mob! They broke out in an impromptu dance number, their movements a hilarious clash of graceful ballet poses and questionable balance. Shoppers stopped, stunned. One lady even clapped – loudly – and called out, "Bravo! You are fabulous!". I’ll have to agree, the choreography was brilliant! It took a certain audacity, don't you think?

But wait, there's more! At lunchtime, on the train platform at Paddington Station, a group of lads were attempting to board the train in a tutu. A whole lot of confusion ensued, much hilarity, and ultimately a hilarious rejection of the tutu ensemble. Honestly, dear readers, I have never seen a group of lads look more confused. Their confusion? To me, it speaks to the magic of a well-constructed, fabulous tutu!

The day certainly ended with a bang, as it started! The Royal Ballet's star dancer, David Ballett, took to the streets of Soho dressed in a rather extravagant pink, tulle, and feathered tutu for charity! And he raised a whopping £5,000! That's just brilliant, simply brilliant! Now, the rumours are that Mr. Ballett was inspired to wear the tutu by an anonymous, generous benefactor who gave a hefty donation to his chosen charity, with a rather… peculiar… request: "Dress as a ballerina". It really takes guts, but, I simply love it! The tutus had their day in the sun and proved they have something to offer for all of us - laughter, intrigue, and an air of delightfully strange excitement!

Oh, my darlings, just a quick reminder that, yes, we have seen a LOT of tutus, many delightful, many simply ridiculous, many just downright baffling, but most importantly we have seen them all in the spirit of fun! If all of today's events proved anything it is that life's too short to not have a little fun! So, until next time, may your life be sprinkled with glitter (or is it tutu tulle?), my lovelies! I wish you nothing but sparkle, and oh, have you tried wearing a tutu, even just around the house?! Do let me know about it, please do!

Stay Stylish!


The Ballerina Diva