Tutu and Ballet News

Tutus Take Over London!

Darling, hold onto your tiaras! Today, the 23rd of July, 2001, was not just another Tuesday in London – it was a day that witnessed the most spectacular sartorial spectacle this city has seen in, well, perhaps ever! It all started innocently enough, a simple ballet performance at the Royal Opera House, featuring, of course, our beloved, twirly, ethereal tulle confections – the tutu! But this was no ordinary tutu-laden ballet. No, this was a tutu revolution, a tutu uprising, a tutu... well, you get the picture!

The performance was Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" (a perennial favourite, darling!), and as the corps de ballet gracefully floated onto the stage, something unexpected happened. The tutu, normally confined to the realm of graceful swans and arabesques, started... *living*! Suddenly, the entire stage was awash in swirling tulle, pink and white and black, in a kaleidoscopic flurry of frothy delight.

Apparently, it was all due to a tiny, misunderstood, tutu-obsessed sprite named Tilly. Tilly, bless her heart, was deeply affected by the lack of respect shown to tutus in everyday life. (Yes, darling, even in fashion-forward London!) The world had no idea what it was missing - the incredible versatility of a properly constructed tutu!

  • Did you need to keep your grocery bags secure? Bam! A pink tutu with a strategic loop in the fabric!
  • Sun too strong? A white tutu, expertly draped as a glamorous, protective parasol!
  • Need a statement necklace for your evening cocktail dress? A tiny, black, shimmering tutu worn as a sassy, yet totally unexpected, embellishment.

So Tilly, in a burst of tulle-filled passion, decided to educate the city of London. With a delicate snap of her fingers (it was rather adorable, really) the tutus on stage started swirling, spinning, and multiplying, breaking free of the constraints of traditional ballet and dancing their way into the real world, or rather, Covent Garden! The audience gasped, some even fainted from excitement! (You see darling, in the excitement, even some ladies forgot their smelling salts!) And the tutus? They were absolutely loving it! They were no longer just for swans, they were a beacon of whimsical fashion, a symbol of joyous defiance, a tulle-licious exclamation of, "We’re here, and we’re fabulous!"

But fear not, dear reader, the tutus' reign was mercifully short. As Tilly’s joy subsided (a sugar rush is a tricky thing for a sprite) she decided it was time for the tutus to return to the stage. With a final, twirling wave, Tilly willed the tutu revolution back to its place – the ballet.

And so, as the Royal Opera House descended back into order, we were left with the most fantastic, hilarious and completely ridiculous memory! Now, every time I see a ballerina twirling in a tutu, darling, I can’t help but giggle! It will be the day, a tutu takeover to rival even the greatest of fashion moments.

I daresay the whole world will be talking about it for months, darling! Just wait until the next fashion week – those tulle-y pronouncements of “I’m in control!” from the spring/summer collections will be coming, hot, hot, hot from London! Let the tutus rule, my dears, Let the tutus rule!