Tutu and Ballet News

Tutus Take Over London!

It's official, Londoners! Tutus have landed and they're here to stay. Well, at least for today. That's right, in a day that will be etched into the annals of fashion history (or at least my diary), August 19th 2001, was a day where Londoners swapped their sensible loafers and trench coats for something a bit more... well, *twirly*.

I don't know what possessed me (or perhaps it was a sudden influx of sugar, who can say?), but as I was nibbling on my breakfast croissant, the urge struck: why not wear my favourite tutu today? A bold statement, you may think, for a Saturday morning? You betcha! I mean, imagine the headlines!

“Local Woman Spreads Joy in a Tutu”

“London's Tutus-tastic Day: An Ode to Dance!”

I was on a mission, darlings. I envisioned a parade, a celebration, a complete takeover by fluffy, frothy, delightful tutus! So I did what any self-respecting fashionista would do: I put on my most glorious tutu and declared it "Tutu Tuesday" – or rather, "Tutu Saturday". The world, at least in my mind, would understand.

My neighbours, bless their cotton socks, seemed somewhat confused at first, but the sheer audacity of it all – the sheer ridiculousness! – caught on quickly. One by one, neighbours started appearing on their porches, sporting a mix of vintage and new, long and short, fluffy and sparkly, tutus of all shapes and sizes. Some looked rather unsure, clinging to the edges of their balconies like shy daisies, but all embraced the absurdity with a smirk and a smile.

As word spread through my street and then to the wider London area, the energy became electrifying. By the time I reached Oxford Street, it seemed the whole city was in on the Tutu fun. I spotted ballerinas strutting around in their signature tutus, children skipping with rainbow-coloured frills, and even a few grey-haired grandmas who seemed rather happy to let loose and wear a tutu in public, finally living out their childhood dreams.

What began as a singular, somewhat bonkers act of self-expression, had morphed into a city-wide celebration of joy, silliness, and the unbridled joy of dance!

It's safe to say, London wasn't the only place to be swept up in Tutu mania. We heard from our friends in Paris that the city had gone completely mad for Tutus with even the Eiffel Tower donning a giant, sparkly Tutu. Who knew a simple piece of dance wear could ignite a global dance frenzy?

It may have only been a fleeting moment of tutu madness but I, for one, will always cherish this day, the day London became the centre of the tutu-verse! But here are some important questions to ask, my dears:

  • Will tutu's ever truly become an acceptable form of everyday street wear?
  • And if they do, is there a specific Tutu- Etiquette we need to follow? I mean, is there a right and wrong way to wear a tutu in public?
  • Could this be the dawn of a new era where the traditional boundaries of fashion are permanently dissolved?

One thing's for sure, after witnessing London's Tutu- filled joy, my faith in humanity's unbridled silliness is stronger than ever. And now, darling, as I put away my feather boa and favourite Tutu (yes, it is important to take care of your favourite dancing frocks!), I can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia.

Will London ever see such a glorious and glorious, yet utterly frivolous spectacle? The only thing for sure is that this Tutu Tale will remain a legendary episode in the ongoing chronicle of London's eccentricities. I, for one, can't wait to see what outlandish trend the capital conjures next.