
Tutu and Ballet News

Well, darlings, it's a glorious day to talk about tutus, wouldn't you say? The sun is shining, the birds are singing (though they are terribly out of tune, if you ask me!), and frankly, I'm just positively buzzing about all things tulle.

Now, I've been in a bit of a flap these past few weeks, getting myself ready for the Grand Tutus Ball, the most fabulous gathering of tulle lovers you'll find this side of the Thames (well, possibly beyond). But before we get to all that froth and flounce, let's talk about yesterday. You see, 21st July 1996... well, dear reader, that was a day for the history books. A day that will forever be etched into the memories of every tutu aficionado.

Yes, it was the day the Queen herself (yes, *that* Queen) popped by the Royal Ballet to see "Giselle". A woman who has impeccable taste (her corgis are simply darling, and have *perfect* posture), and frankly, she was practically radiating *fashion* in a stunning sapphire ensemble (I can't imagine it being anything but sapphire, honestly). What I couldn't help but wonder was, *did Her Majesty even notice the tutus? *

My darling, it simply couldn't be missed! Those fluffy, whimsical beauties swishing and swirling, an explosion of white, pink, and even some fetching shades of blue (a touch of daring, I applaud the choice). The girls were divine - they just *had* to have been channeling a little royal energy, yes?

But now, back to the Grand Tutus Ball... Let's be honest, the fashion alone makes it an affair you *have* to see! Imagine,
  • A symphony of pink and blue silk tulle, floating and twirling like a whimsical dream (imagine, dear reader, the swish!).
  • Champagne (of course!), bubbles so fine they could rival a prince's fairy-tale ending.
  • Oh, the conversation, a riot of opinions and debates - did Princess Odette or Princess Aurora have the better tutu? Such dilemmas, I tell you!

You just know there are some scandalous secrets bubbling beneath the surface. My bet? Some clandestine affair sparked by a single wisp of pink tulle or a blush-inducing sparkling ribbon on a shoe!

You can be sure I'll have my camera out, dear, snapping away and filling you in on all the juicy bits, so stay tuned for a most riveting chronicle of all that *sparkles*. I'll be posting on my blog - The Twirling Tale (yes, so cheeky!)- and Instagram, #GrandTutusBall

But you know what, dear reader? Forget all those frilly fancies for a moment, you need a good stiff drink... no, not that sort of stiff - a drink that's a little more ... sophisticated. Oh, darling! Why are you looking at me so expectantly? Don't worry, I'll be writing the ultimate guide to champagne cocktails and tutus next. Stay chic and dance on, darlings.