Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, can you believe it? It's September 14th, 2001 and the world's going positively *bonkers* for ballet! I mean, who would have thought it? From the high street to the catwalk, everyone's getting their twirl on. It's a total tutu-mergency!

Just this morning, I was downing my latte (decaf, darling, one must be sensible, you know), at my favourite cafe in Mayfair, when what did I see but a chap in a full-length tutu, pink, of course, trying to order a cappuccino with a feather boa and a tights-clad leg protruding out from his pocket! I nearly spilled my oat milk, darling!

Now, before you start thinking I've lost my marbles, just hear me out. Apparently, this tutu craze has been bubbling under the surface for some time. All thanks to the glorious ballet-themed collection launched by our very own darling Vivienne Westwood last month! The collection was nothing short of spectacular, darling! Imagine: frills, feathers, and tutus in every shade imaginable.

She even featured a stunning pale pink tutu gown that was to die for, and, well, you know, die for is exactly what all the fashion editors seemed to be doing! The tutu-inspired trends have been catching fire ever since, from high street stores to vintage shops. And don't get me started on the fabulousness of Etsy - it's positively overflowing with the most divine tutus you've ever seen!

The trend's not just confined to the fashion world. The ballet schools have been flooded with new pupils, the studios are packed, and even the Royal Opera House has reported a surge in ticket sales. It's a real ballet bonanza, and honestly, darling, I wouldn't have it any other way. Who doesn't love a bit of twirling and a tutu? It's the perfect antidote to a grey day, don't you think?

Here's the thing, though: the whole tutu-mania has been fuelled by something much deeper than just a love of dance. We are, darling, living in a time of tremendous change and uncertainty. And, frankly, some of us are just sick and tired of the whole serious business of life.

In a world of global politics, economic chaos, and endless stress, the beauty and grace of ballet offers a much-needed escape, a way to embrace joy and imagination. A moment to step back and, just maybe, recall a simpler time of twirling in our bedroom with a pillow pretending to be a tutu.

And so, my dear, the tutu has become a symbol of hope and rebellion against the mundane. A tribute to creativity, imagination and the joy of movement! It might sound silly, but there is a certain magic to a tutu, especially if you catch the light just right, don't you think?

And it's not just about the fashion. The ballet world has always been an industry obsessed with fashion (hello, Maria Tallchief! ). And as we are entering into the age of Instagram and the "tutu- selfie," the world of dance is getting its own version of the influencer. Darling, imagine that, a ballerina with millions of followers who can inspire us all with their passion, their artistry, and of course, their tutues.

So let's raise a glass to the tutu, darling! It is the symbol of a movement. A revolution in how we see beauty, grace and, dare I say it, even fun!

Here are a few tutu-tips to help you embrace the craze:
  • Invest in a tulle skirt. It’s a chic alternative to the full tutu and will give any outfit a touch of whimsy.
  • Embrace pastels and jewel tones - think lilac, mint, pink, and sapphire!
  • Don’t be afraid to mix and match! A tutu with a blazer can be very fashion forward.
  • Practice your pirouette in the privacy of your home. Even the most experienced ballerina needs to work on her twirl.
  • And most importantly darling, be brave and have fun.

And while we’re on the subject of tutus, don’t forget the ballet world has been struggling with its own image. The traditional tutu, in all its white glory, can often feel stuffy and out of touch, don’t you think? So why not embrace a more diverse range of colours and styles? There are all sorts of creative new interpretations of the tutu appearing on the stage, and it's time to say goodbye to those dated stereotypes.

In the end, the tutu is all about a celebration of expression and creativity, darling. Whether it's on the stage or the street, it stands as a reminder that we can all find our own way to twirl through life.

So let's have some fun, darling! Let’s get twirling!