Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, darlings, what a day! You know I live and breathe ballet. It's in my blood, in my soul, in my very essence! And this morning, the universe itself decided to align with my passion. I woke up feeling like a ballerina on pointe, with visions of graceful pirouettes and grand jetés dancing in my head. Of course, it wasn't just the morning coffee, although a good cuppa certainly helps with any day. No, my lovelies, it was the air itself, the cosmos, if you will. You see, I felt that twirling energy, that magical ballet mood swirling all around me. And I was certain I knew the reason: **Today is September 15th, 2001.** Now, I know you're thinking "September 15th? But… what? " And darling, it's about the **tutu**. Yes, the tutu, the fabulous, flamboyant tutu! Let me explain.

See, my dear readers, today, September 15th, 2001, marks a very special date in ballet history – although maybe not in the way you'd think. Well, dear, have a guess! That's right! It's the *only* day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) where a ballet dancer wearing a perfectly pink tutu, stands on her *perfectly* pointed toe, and magically casts a shadow that makes her appear completely *naked*. Now, don't look at me with those big wide eyes. This is, scientifically proven! The angle of the sun on September 15th, and, well, the magical physics of a tutu… it's simply divine!

I know what you're thinking: " But why, *why* does this day deserve such attention?" Well, let's be honest, dear, there's a touch of absurdity in every ballerina’s heart! And a good chuckle about this "naked ballerina" theory brings that touch to the forefront. Besides, imagine this! Standing before a huge audience, my legs in perfect extension, every curve of my body gloriously visible for everyone to see... the drama of it! This magical disappearing effect, the gasp of the audience! A true triumph of nature and costume, darling!

You'd be surprised to know the dance world has been *buzzing* about it all day. Even Dame Margot Fontaine’s granddaughter sent me a cheeky little postcard with the inscription "Today's the day! Don't forget your *illusion* darling!". Of course, none of our famous dancers want to be associated with a “naked" image. The press wouldn’t be kind, even if it is the sun, *and* the tutu’s fault. It’s more than likely there’s not a single dancer *dare* step onto the stage today in that delightful pink tulle. Even if this "naked ballerina phenomenon" only lasts a few precious moments. But you can’t help but ponder what that will feel like. Can you *imagine* the power of that moment, knowing you're creating a shadow image that makes you appear so completely bare?

So let us raise our teacups, my dears! To the enchanting power of the tutu, to the celestial angle of the sun on September 15th, and to the absolute delicious absurdity of the "naked ballerina" day. A day for giggles, whispers, and the purest delight that ballet has to offer!

Oh, speaking of delightful absurdities. Imagine a ballet performance with everyone wearing tutus! Not just the women, everyone! The men! The orchestra! Think of the visuals! And can we imagine a more spectacular, and utterly funny ballet, than "The Tutus of Truth"? Every dancer in a magnificent, swirling tutu, all hues of pink! I’d give my eye-teeth for such a show! I have the perfect opening line: ** "Oh, my dears, have you ever seen such an array of twirls and tulles? A *feast* for the eyes, if ever I’ve seen one! **

I feel that *magical* ballet energy pulsing even stronger. Well, darlings, off to write a few new routines myself! Who knows, perhaps this day of September the 15th, will inspire a *tutu revolution*! What if *everyone* was to don a tutu?! Can you imagine how ***delightful* *that* would be!** I feel another cup of Earl Grey coming on...