Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings! Can you believe it’s been 21 years since the Twin Towers were… well, you know… But darling, let’s not dwell on the depressing! We’re not here to discuss politics (although I do have some VERY strong opinions about George W. Bush and those ridiculous cowboy boots… but that’s another column entirely!), we’re here for something far more important… ballet, darling! Specifically, those glorious, fabulous creations that make our lives so much more fabulous: TUTUS!

Yes, my dears, those magnificent frills and fluff that swish and twirl with such glorious grace. Remember those incredible photographs of the New York City Ballet in their magnificent, cloud-like tutus, frolicking through the streets of Manhattan? Well, on 21st September 2001, they had quite the dramatic turn of events! (Although, let’s be honest, it wasn't the *most* dramatic of events. They’ve been through some very public and awkward moments on the stage over the years... shall we talk about those ghastly *Moulin Rouge* costumes they wore for *Rodeo*? Good heavens!).

But let’s get back to our little dance of disaster. On that fateful day, the New York City Ballet had quite a close call. Imagine! The company had been scheduled to perform at the very venue of the tragedy, the World Trade Centre. But fate intervened! Luckily, darling, they had booked a rehearsal at another studio – a glorious old studio that looked just like one of those romantic French ones with the high ceilings and dusty mirrors – you know, like they use in the film *An American in Paris* - just across the road! So, they found themselves spared from any dramatic stage fright.

Honestly, darling, can you imagine? The most incredible dancers in the world being whisked away just before those horrifying events? I shudder to think how terrifying that must have been! I mean, the company has had quite a few shocking events throughout their history, even getting into a scrap with a few dancers, but this… this would be the ultimate shock! Can you imagine how awkward it would have been? Instead of the breathtaking dance sequence for "After the Rain", they'd be dancing the Charleston of chaos! Well, darlings, we've always said ballet is a life of glamour, but even I wouldn't want to be centre stage for that tragedy!

Now, we're talking about beauty, that delicate beauty of the tutu - a fashion staple that transcends fashion trends and makes our inner ballerina shriek with joy. Isn’t that fabulous? Imagine it, a perfect white or a blush pink tulle, puffing out like the most divine meringue, sweeping over the stage and creating a moment of pure and absolute artistic perfection. It is just SO much more inspiring than the sad event on 21 September 2001.

Oh, and remember, darlings, that a tutu is not just about dancing! We must talk about its magical fashion transformation! It has inspired everything from designer gowns to whimsical bridal veils, and even those fantastically frilly hats worn by the Mad Hatter! (Just think of those spectacular feathers and lace, perfectly balanced for that extra layer of magic... so stylish, isn't it, dear?). It's amazing, really!

You see, darlings, a tutu is a magical symbol that represents so much. Grace, poise, elegance, creativity - just some of the things that it speaks to! A beautiful reminder to all of us to dance through life with that same optimistic flair, just like a beautiful dancer pirouetting in that dreamy swirl of tulle, defying gravity and defying everything else.

That's what we must all try to do, darlings. Be like the ballet, dance through our own disasters, keeping our hearts hopeful and our spirits light. After all, isn’t that what truly defines us? So raise a glass to tutus, to the brave ballet dancers, and to remembering a tragedy not just with sadness but with grace and style. Cheers to finding a light, beautiful, fabulous truth in the midst of all that sadness! It’s important, darling! It really is.