Tutu and Ballet News

The world is changing! Oh my darling dears, it truly is. I’m sorry to break this to you so bluntly but after a momentous occasion which rocked the entire world last Tuesday, (a little event that had something to do with planes… a touch dramatic but never mind), we are faced with a huge dilemma: How does one continue a regular day-to-day routine when you can barely believe the news?

What to wear? My usual morning dilemma has evolved from:

  • Do I wear the pink ballet shoes, the fluffy yellow ones or perhaps the silver satin numbers that practically scream ‘diva’?
  • Should it be the powder blue, the fuchsia or the dazzling cerulean tutu today?
To something rather more existential. And let’s face it, what is the point of wearing a dazzling cerulean tutu (my favourite BTW!) if your mind is a whirl of terror and disbelief?

I’ve been trying, my darling, believe me, I really have. It takes effort to keep up with the times. But do I dare try my brand new (and rather delicious) black and gold feather boa? Would it be an inappropriate ‘look’? Perhaps something to make my own mother gag a little? Or would it bring a little light into these dark times? You see, there’s the conundrum!

It's simply not clear anymore whether wearing something flamboyant or ‘look at me’ will be seen as a desperate bid for normality. Will the world think we're denying what is ‘out there’ in a bid for distraction or denial? I've always believed a tutu and a beautiful feathery boa are a fantastic weapon of choice in dealing with life's little problems, but even the most seasoned dancer has a moment of pause now and again!

However, what is it about the tutu anyway? It’s something to ponder, darlings, during this time of deep reflection… perhaps that’s what it was all about: **Self Reflection.** We need some time out, away from all this news about terrorism and international angst to remember what it was all about! That, my dear dears, is when the power of the tutu emerges. You might say it's a sort of ritual! It is so beautiful to spin and dance, a lovely graceful counter-balance to the harsh realities of the outside world! The tutu reminds us we can spin, we can be free, and most of all we can escape…even if it’s for just five minutes at a time. And just imagine the elegance of that black and gold boa, so soft, so sleek, it truly is something to think about.

Maybe the key here isn’t wearing our flamboyant ‘looks’, perhaps it's in remembering them: Holding them close to our hearts, cherishing them, until the next time. Just when we feel it is safe to dust them off, our dancing shoes and dazzling cerulean tutus. Let’s just keep this in mind darlings. Our beloved ballet costumes are symbols of escape, creativity and life, and perhaps there will be a day soon when we can celebrate all that with the style and flair we have grown to know and love… Until then, my dears, hold tight.