Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings! Gather round, as your girl, darling-of-the-dance-scene, Penelope Plum, spills the tea on the most dramatic, nay, **most exquisite** scandal to hit the ballet world since Margot Fonteyn accidentally wore a *faux pas* feather boa on opening night. It all started, as these things do, on a perfectly crisp and autumnal November 3rd. The very day, darling, the very day that **the unthinkable happened.** A whole ballet troupe, mind you, *The Royal Ballet Company* no less, *gasp* found themselves in a tutus predicament. Apparently, the poor lovelies arrived for rehearsal only to discover that a rogue moth had eaten through, yes, *eaten through* **the ENTIRE tutu stock**! Not a single, single, **precious tulle twirling frock** left! And wouldn’t you know it, darling? Opening night for “Swan Lake” was just mere hours away! Can you imagine, the panic! The screams! The *absolute* *chaos*! Imagine the scene: a stage full of bewildered ballerinas, looking rather like delicate birds that had been forced to take a bath in an unfortunate storm. Their beautiful costumes, their very *raison d'ĂȘtre* *poof*, gone. Not a frill, not a ruffle, nothing! But don’t you worry, dearies, it’s not all tears and tumbleweeds just yet! The dancers, the resilient lovelies they are, sprung into action with an energy that would have put even the most dedicated gym bunny to shame! You wouldn’t believe the stories that have come out: ‱ **The tale of the “Borrowed from Barneys”**: It seems our heroine, darling, the lead ballerina herself, Priscilla Pinkerton (yes, truly!), simply marched into Barneys New York, (you know, that rather fabulous store darling!), announced to the manager that she was "dancing Swan Lake" and promptly *snatched* a wedding dress! Well, obviously, the beautiful girl adjusted it a bit to look *more* swan and less **bride, but darlings, *glorious* in its audacity!* ‱ **“From the streets of Soho, darling!**”: Imagine, the darling girl with the heavenly pliĂ©s, Penelope Primrose (how terribly ironic, don’t you think? ), spotted a woman walking by, *gosh darling*, **completely by accident,** wearing an entirely lace *something* that reminded her of *a rather magnificent swan’s undergarment.* (Quite cheeky, but you know *very chic*, wouldn’t you say, darling?) Our sweet Penelope had to stop her (imagine, stopping mid-street! A terrible faux pas!), **pleading* to take it off, promising that *everything* would be replaced “with proper jewels and fancy things, darling!”, of course, which was met with quite a curious look by the bewildered woman. ‱ **And the story of the “Desperate Drape”**: Our young, charming dancer, Arthur Ashley (not one of the most *famous* names in the ballet world, I assure you! But still, you know *all about talent and hard work darling!* ), well *imagine*, the darling boy was the only one with the wherewithal, and *of course* the absolutely gorgeous good looks! To walk, not **walk* darling, *strut* straight out of a *shop, (an interior design store, you see), and just, well, *draping* himself in a giant, (dare I say *absolutely fabulous*) drape. And by the time the opening curtain rose, well darlings, it’s an utter scandal, let’s just say it’s more "Swan Lake on a Wednesday afternoon at the home furnishings outlet” and less *black swan* elegance... (oh my, my, my.) In the end, darling, (oh darling! this is how they **saved** it all!) *of course* all’s well that ends well! A new *shipment* arrived, yes, just in the *nick* of time! (the tutus *did* cost more than one week’s rent for the little darling!) But here is the *moral of the story*, darling. Sometimes the greatest tales, the most fabulous, the most daring, *emerge* from the **most unexpected* places*. *Think* about it! Do not let *anything*, I repeat *anything* stand in the way of your dreams. *Don't let* a bit of adversity stop you, **ever**! And even when everything seems to fall apart...darlings... there's still time to pull out *a winning dance*, wouldn't you agree? *