Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, can you believe it? This week, we’re all talking tutus! Not those hideous, frilly monstrosities that the Royal Ballet gets away with, mind you, but the fabulous, sparkly, and absolutely divine tutu that every little girl dreams of owning, and that some of us slightly more mature women never actually grow out of wanting.

Because this Thursday, the 14th of January, is **Tutu Thursday**. You heard me right! The date itself might seem totally random, but when you break it down, it’s actually genius. Just look: 14th. Fourteen… like… fourteen layers of tulle! It’s fate, darlings, I tell you! And for once, fate is on our side!

So, what are you doing this Tutu Thursday? Ditch the sensible shoes and that hideous wool coat, and throw on your most flamboyant outfit – I’m talking a bright red lip, lashings of glitter, and enough sequins to make the Queen Mother blush! Because on this day, we embrace the joy of twirling, the freedom of expression, and, of course, the undeniable elegance of the tutu.

For those who want to take their Tutu Thursday to the next level, here’s what I recommend:

  • **Ditch the usual boring errands and do them in your fanciest ballet shoes!** A trip to the supermarket? Why not add some extra je ne sais quoi with a little pirouette between the aisles? Don’t forget your shopping trolley – you can easily add a tutu to its handlebars for that extra *je ne sais quoi*. Just make sure to bring a hair brush! The last thing you want is to be caught looking dishevelled whilst pushing your shopping trolley through Waitrose.
  • **Stage a spontaneous flash mob.** No time for a proper rehearsal? Who needs it! Just grab your tutu and your nearest fellow Tutu-loving friend, find a busy street corner, and get twirling. Trust me, passers-by will be enthralled – guaranteed to put a smile on the face of even the most grumpy commuter.
  • **Whip up a decadent Tutu Thursday afternoon tea.** Forget your boring cucumber sandwiches! Get your sugar fix on with homemade fairy cakes, sugared almonds, and a bubbly glass of Prosecco – all the while discussing the finer points of tulle and how one creates the perfect plié. You’ll need the energy, after all! The afternoon will be exhausting with all that twirling, darling!
  • **Dress up your pet. Let's face it, our pets always look more fabulous in costumes than we do!** The good news is you can get absolutely tiny tutus in every imaginable colour. If you're unsure, maybe ask your pet? They have a keen sense of style. Just be warned: your pets might not be impressed if you make them take their Tutu Thursday on a boring walk around the block – don't let your cat's tail get stuck in the fabric!

The most important thing on Tutu Thursday is to let loose, have fun, and celebrate everything that makes life truly elegant! Remember, darling, you’re never too old to twirl. But if you need to give your feet a break from dancing, just relax on the sofa and get lost in your favourite ballet movie.

No matter how you choose to spend your Tutu Thursday, remember: It’s all about the *fun*! You're not meant to be a prima ballerina on a daily basis, but remember to live a little and add a splash of *sparkle* to your ordinary, everyday routine. I mean, really, why wait for special occasions to feel like a fairy godmother, especially if the day comes around on the 14th of January?!

And while we’re at it, if you're feeling truly inspired by the occasion and you need some inspiration, you'll find me in Harrods trying on those absolutely delicious **Dior* *tutues*, honey. You know the ones I mean: pure white, a sheer and perfectly layered fabric with some extra tulle, and, naturally, a generous amount of sparkle.

Get on your Tutu Thursdays, and remember darling, it’s not a day to *dress up* - it’s a day to *show up*!