Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, gather ’round! Today’s a day for celebrating all things twirly and fabulous, for we are, of course, on **14 November 2001**. Now, before we launch into our weekly dose of high kicks and dazzling choreography, let’s have a little chinwag about the stars of the show - those delightful, tulle-clad marvels of dance, the tutus!

From the delicate, frothy confection of a classical tutu to the modern, avant-garde marvels of contemporary ballet, tutus, my darlings, have evolved right alongside us. And believe me, that evolution has been nothing short of fabulous. I mean, let’s be honest, can you even imagine a ballerina pirouetting sans tutu? It’s simply not done.

Speaking of tutus, did you know that the original tutus were quite the scandalous affair? That's right, darlings, the ladies of the ballet wore the **first tutus, which were basically short, little skirts, revealing more leg than was deemed "acceptable" back in the day.** The shock! It was almost as dramatic as seeing a gentleman with an ankle sock peeping out from his loafers, a tragedy that shall remain unspoken. The scandal! Thankfully, these little darlings were replaced with more "suitable" long skirts, eventually evolving into the lovely tulle wonders we know and love today.

And today, darlings, the tutu reigns supreme, from the **classically elegant, four-tiered Romantic tutu** to the **sleek, streamlined neoclassical variety** that seems to defy gravity with each graceful twirl. Tutule, tutu good! And darling, there’s even a new wave of tutu-wearing celebrities emerging. Yes, from pop stars like **Beyoncé** to Hollywood A-listers like **Angelina Jolie** (remember that memorable photo shoot, with all the drama, darling?), these fabulous women are boldly strutting their stuff in all manner of sparkly, flowing tutu interpretations. They're practically taking over the red carpet with a flourish of fabric and a sprinkle of glitter.

Now, don't be silly and think the tutu is just for the stage! You can sport your own touch of tutu-fabulousness wherever you go. Think tulle overlays on a cocktail dress, tulle scarf, or even a hint of tulle-textured in a handbag for a dash of ballerina chic. Trust me, darlings, a dash of tutu is always appropriate! The most important rule of thumb with these dancey divas? Never be afraid to add a little sparkle. Go big, go bold, go gorgeous, darlings, because with a touch of tutu magic, even the most ordinary occasion becomes an absolute enchantment!