Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, the tutu drama!

Darlings, buckle up for the biggest fashion scandal to hit the world of ballet since those scandalous "Flesh-Tone Tights" that caused a near-riot in the Bolshoi back in '99 (remember the flying feather boas?!).

Yesterday, dear readers, we witnessed a day of unmitigated sartorial mayhem at the Royal Opera House. It seems the Queen of Pointe Shoes, Ms. Veronica von Twirl, the prima ballerina assoluta, has taken her penchant for tulle to an all-time high. Now, you know Veronica, she’s a darling, a total darling! But sometimes, like a very particular pair of diamanté-encrusted shoes, she's a little bit much.

She arrived for the evening performance in a voluminous, rainbow-coloured monstrosity that made those flamboyant Parisian cabarets look positively demure. The poor girl, bless her heart, looked like a giant cotton-candy cloud about to engulf the stage! It seemed she'd raided the entire fabric store. Literally, every colour of the rainbow and a whole lotta glitter – think a unicorn's dream wedding outfit gone completely bonkers.

Now, normally, a little sartorial "shock-and-awe" from Veronica wouldn't ruffle a feather – she's a force of nature on stage, a goddess of movement, but, my dears, it seems the Royal Opera House wasn’t ready for this. Apparently, the costumes had to undergo a rushed, all-night "de-tutu-fication" session before they dared allow poor Veronica anywhere near the stage.

Just picture the scene: frantic seamstresses working through the night, sweating over sewing machines, muttering “I told her she was going too far!”, whilst the entire dance troupe frantically drank cups of chamomile tea, chanting “it’s just tulle, it’s just tulle” in hushed, concerned whispers.

I’ve always said, you never know with Veronica, my love. She has a truly fabulous sense of style, darlings. But sometimes her imagination runs away with her, just a tad. Thankfully, this latest tulle-tastrophe did not put off our very glamorous audiences who, after witnessing the much-more toned down final ensemble, continued to applaud as if their lives depended on it!

Tutus, The Evolution of a Wardrobe Staple

Speaking of tulle, I do believe we must take a moment to address this magnificent garment that truly holds a special place in the world of ballet – the tutu. We have, you know, seen our fair share of changes, developments and quite frankly, some disastrous creations through the years! (Just picture for a moment those “futuristic" ones the New York City Ballet attempted back in '97; oh my, we still have nightmares about those!)

But the truth is, dears, without this magnificent swirl of fabric, a ballerina simply isn’t complete. They add that touch of grace, lightness and a truly captivating whimsy – just like a sprinkle of pixie dust!

Now, of course, we mustn't forget the different types! My absolute favourite, for its beautiful romance, is the classic Romantic tutu, with those flowing tiers of tulle, and, oh, my dears, they float! But we can't ignore the modern marvels like the "sock tutu" for a sleek, aerodynamic, streamlined silhouette; and, we must say, how amazing are those little tulle pas de deux masterpieces created by the inimitable Maria Callas in the early ‘70s – quite genius!

Tulle Trend or Travesty?

It’s been quite a journey, dears, a journey of delicate layers, dramatic silhouettes and sometimes, just sometimes, a bit of a fright! (Yes, Veronica, we’re looking at you!).

Perhaps we have reached the peak, the grand finale, the ultimate tutu, dear reader. Who knows what this new century will bring, but one thing's for sure - it’s a wild and wonderful ride, with an array of colours and textures fit for any stage.

Perhaps it's time for an updated “Tutu Code”? Maybe one that clearly dictates when tulle is just the right amount of dramatic, when it's positively divine, and when, dears, when it's simply a bit too much, even for our fearless Ms. Veronica von Twirl.

Until then, we will continue to marvel at these wondrous works of artistry and dance - always keeping a pair of good binoculars handy in case those flamboyant, glitter-laden outfits happen to land in our midst.