Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers, I simply couldn't let this most glorious of days pass without sharing my own whimsical take on the day's news. Did you know that today, 23rd November, 2001, is the most magical day of the year for those of us who live and breathe for the graceful twirls of a perfectly-placed tutu? It's "International Tutu Day", darling! Yes, you heard that right!

Of course, as with any international celebration of sheer tulle-y bliss, the day hasn't been without its controversies.

Here are the main points:

  • There's been quite a bit of tutting - that's tutting as in "tsk tsk, disapproval" - regarding the official colour chosen for the day's celebratory events: a decidedly shocking, and rather shockingly vibrant shade of fluorescent pink. The consensus amongst fashion critics seems to be, that the "Shocking Pink Tutu" is far too much to take, and not at all a reflection of the classic, understated elegance expected of a "real" tutu.
  • Some critics are questioning the lack of diversity, as no other tutu styles, let alone any other type of dancewear, were invited to the celebration. I mean, it's just unfair, is it not? Is it too much to ask that the beautiful artistry of pointe shoes, leg warmers, even dance slippers get a mention? Just the sheer diversity, the potential to tap into other forms of dance...
  • And speaking of tap dancing, some dance schools have begun protests over their exclusion from the festivities, using "tap tut tutting" techniques (the same sounds, you know, but with an actual dance style). As we know, "tut tut" isn't actually just "tut" on repeat. It has distinct and lovely rhythms that create the "t-u-t" that's almost more of a trill, darling. Anyway, this form of expression will no doubt attract some controversy itself, since, for many, the sight of men, particularly grown men, in tap shoes, is considered less than, er... a touch flamboyant.

But fret not, darling, for there's still much to celebrate. From the "Shocking Pink Tutu" debacle to the tapped-out tap shoes, here is what has brought the glamour, glitz, and undeniable joy to this remarkable "International Tutu Day":

  • There is a magnificent Tutu fashion show at London's The Royal Albert Hall. I, of course, shall be attending! I just love the Royal Albert Hall... the elegant décor, the exquisite seating...
  • I hear a famous British ballerina is taking on the role of fashion icon in this year's London Fashion Week - all about the tutu, naturally. And what a glorious surprise! I had the greatest pleasure of watching this ballerina's "first" performance back in the 90's, which I can only describe as breathtaking - and the highlight of my 17th birthday. A truly inspiring story - and another feather in the cap of International Tutu Day, wouldn't you say?
  • I hear whispers of an unprecedented and very public collaboration between two famous tutuiers, in which both have promised an absolute *explosion* of creativity, drama and, well, utter, total magnificence. Imagine, twirls, jumps, turns, all in the name of the tutu... and to top it off? It is all in support of our charity! A charity supporting women, all about empowering their love and embrace of all things "girly". Just divine, isn't it?

All in all, the controversy may remain... but so, I am pleased to say, do the grace, the style, and the sheer beauty that we find when we look at that delicate dance between tulle, creativity, and yes, the most beautiful tutu itself.

Happy International Tutu Day, my darlings! Do take note, a lovely little white or ivory tulle "tutu" could quite literally take a fashion statement, any day of the year. I can't wait to hear about all the gorgeous tutu moments and tutus in general, just leave a comment in the section below.