
Tutu and Ballet News

Tutus Take Over the World: A Day of Ballet Bliss

My darlings, can you believe it's already November 26th? The days are flying by faster than a pirouette, and frankly, I'm not complaining. We've got festive cheer in the air, the scent of cinnamon swirling around us, and my darling, those gorgeous winter sales have begun. I know what you're thinking, ' darling, I have nothing left to buy.' Well, allow me to introduce you to the latest craze: Tutus! Yes, those twirling delights that were previously the sole preserve of ballerinas have officially taken over the world.

Yesterday, as I was nibbling on a scrumptious mince pie (a real treat, darlings, even the merest hint of brandy), I witnessed the most astonishing spectacle. In the heart of London's bustling Piccadilly Circus, a flash mob of twenty, well-dressed ladies in full, pink tutus erupted into a synchronised dance routine. It was sheer magic! The onlookers went wild, their jaws literally dropping to the pavement. Of course, we've seen our share of flash mobs over the years, but none so utterly delightful.

Speaking of delights, you simply *must* have a peek at my favourite website: 'Tutus-For-Every-Occasion'. They cater to every taste. Whether you're craving a classic, a sassy little number, or a playful tulle extravaganza, this is your go-to shop for all things tutu-tastic. The good news, my darlings, is that prices are practically a bargain, perfect for when the winter chills bite deep. Just don't tell my bank manager!

But wait, the tutu trend isn't just for fashion, it's seeped into the cultural landscape. It's the new 'must-have' for every party, wedding, birthday, or even - I kid you not- a funeral! I understand the concept of a tutu for a wedding. Something charming and whimsical. But funeral?! Surely the departed soul would find the idea rather amusing. Of course, for the less whimsical among us, they're offering tutu headbands and other subtle accessories that hint at a ballerina vibe without full-on tutus.

So my loves, what's stopping you? This festive season, embrace the whimsy and delight of the tutu. Grab yourself a new outfit, or even just a little headband, and dance your way into December! And if you see me gracefully twirling down the street in my new pink tutu, feel free to join me. Just remember: we always practice proper etiquette. A smile and a gracious wave is expected, and never, ever touch the tutu. A true ballet lover wouldn't dream of it!


Here are a few of my tutu-tiful finds:

  • A glorious purple tutu for all those ladies out there who prefer a bit of edge. (www.Tutus-For-Every-Occasion.com/shop/PurplePassion)
  • For a more minimalist approach: the 'Everyday Ballerina' in classic white ( www.Tutus-For-Every-Occasion.com/shop/classicWhite). This tutu is perfectly chic. Perfect for those times when you just want to feel the ballerina within, but can't quite commit to a full-blown performance.
  • A delightful rainbow tutu - just a splash of fun for your wardrobe! (www.Tutus-For-Every-Occasion.com/shop/RainbowBreeze )

Until next time my darlings, stay stylish and always, always, always, keep your eyes on the prize!