Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, it’s me again, your fabulous dance correspondent, and it’s time to talk tutus.

Tutus, those beautiful, whimsical creations that have captured hearts, well, they’ve taken a dramatic turn in the world of ballet!

Let’s dive in, shall we?

This year, on November 30th, there was a "Tutu Takeover" event in Covent Garden! It was glorious. All sorts of tutus were present, from traditional, to ultra-modern! And we all looked absolutely smashing, naturally.

I even saw a man sporting a pink, feathered tutu. He looked like a whimsical, flamboyant fairy!

Let me be clear, my dears, the Tutu Takeover wasn't some random, wild party. This was a structured event - organized and led by a delightful bunch of talented dancers! It was quite the spectacle and let’s be frank, darling, the world needed to see some glitter.

The whole scene felt like an outlandish, ballet-inspired music video! Just a bunch of extravagant tutus parading and shimmying to a fantastic beat. The dancers in the middle of the Covent Garden square, swirling and twirling their little hearts out, absolutely breathtaking!

Let's just say I definitely found myself wishing I could have a little dance myself, even if my legs weren't exactly made for a ballerina career. I had the most splendid day; It was like watching a silent movie but in the real world - all dancing, posing, and gestures .

Speaking of the real world, the entire affair managed to highlight just how fantastic tutus are as a fashion statement. Even a tiny ballerina like me - and let’s face it I’m not quite built for those elaborate leaps - could pull it off in my tiny pastel blue tutu.

It was not only inspiring and joyful to watch the talent - and those graceful legs, but the day served as a wonderful reminder: that ballet isn't just about those perfectly straight legs. It's about joy, artistry, and those absolutely stunning tutu's of course.

My little tulle cloud was the talk of the town for a bit; and it definitely made me feel like I could twirl through life with ease. (And quite frankly darling, I have.)

My dears, don't shy away from a little bit of whimsy! And if you're ever in Covent Garden and it happens to be a sunny day on November the 30th, well, let's just say you might just see a tutu or two.

And perhaps, just perhaps, you might even catch a tiny dancer - or an awfully cute ballerina. That’s me !