Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, can you believe it's already December? Where does the time go? I swear, just yesterday I was sipping Pimms in the sunshine, watching the Chelsea Flower Show and dreaming of summer. Now, here I am, snuggled in a cashmere blanket, with a cuppa and a mince pie, reminiscing about all the incredible things that happened this year. You know what really makes my little heart flutter? Tutùs! Yes, you heard that right, darlings! Tutùs! And frankly, today I feel positively giddy about them.

I mean, let's face it, there's nothing quite as elegant and whimsical as a perfectly pouffed-out, tiered tulle tutu. It's the ultimate symbol of dance, the epitome of feminine grace, and, dare I say, it even makes our little bunions look a tad more sophisticated. I must admit, as a seasoned ballerina-turned-fashion-author, I find the evolution of the tutù rather fascinating, darling. Remember those rather, shall we say, “modest” skirts of the Romantic era? Such quaint, little numbers they were, compared to the full-blown glamour of today.

Oh my word, just imagine poor little Marie Taglioni, spinning and leaping in her comparatively understated tutù, back in the 1800s! Can you see her eyes widening with delight as she glanced at her reflection and said "Good heavens, my tutù only has 3 layers, this just won't do!". Of course, it was all perfectly lovely for its time, darling, but thank heavens for modern designers, right? Because now, darling, we've got tutùs with enough layers to make even a swan lake a bit jealous!

Let’s rewind for a moment. Back in the 1950s, I do recall a certain, rather risqué (dare I say it?) ballerina named Margot Fonteyn, who, I am reliably informed, made tutù history. Apparently, she danced with a tutu that didn’t even come down to her knees. Frankly, the outrage amongst the establishment was a little, shall we say, theatrical. They were horrified, dear! Gasp, her ankles! Imagine the scandalous sight! But my, did she ever cause a stir, the dear. All of this just proves that tutùs aren't just pretty clothes, darling. They are a symbol of change, and they make a rather powerful statement.

Speaking of power, darling, can you even imagine, the utter joy of dancing a rousing 'Swan Lake' in a voluminous tutu that, when spinning, gives the impression of being bigger than you?! Or, maybe that isn't so easy... oh dear, I think my feet might be turning into actual ballet slippers... but that's a conversation for another day, my sweet.

Right now, darling, it’s about the tutù and the little piece of magical magic that each layer, each frill, each sparkly embellishment delivers. I have a sneaking suspicion that, tutùs, like good wine and pearls, only get more delicious with time, and I for one, am absolutely thrilled about it!

This week's fashion round up, darling:
  • **Ballerina-Inspired Flats**- They're like ballerina shoes but less demanding. I say 'yes' darling, but maybe keep those frills away from your everyday errands!
  • **Tutu-Style Party Dresses** - If there was ever a good time to embrace a little, shall we say, 'extra', darling, it's at a holiday bash! We are talking glitzy and glamorous! A little more daring, perhaps?
  • **Statement Scarves** - This is a little sneaky and a lot brilliant. Who needs an extravagant tutù, when you can add a dramatic splash of colour with an elaborate silk scarf? Perfect for a pop of drama and sophistication.

Oh darling, this has been simply delightful, until next time! And please, do wear your tutùs with a flourish. You’re a glamorous fashionista through and through!