Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, gather round, for this week’s column is all about the hottest topic in the world of dance. I’m talking, of course, about **tutus**. Oh, darling, tutus! How do they stay so perfectly perched and flouncy, those ethereal masterpieces of tulle? I must know the secret.

But honestly, what else could be on the dance world’s mind on this most wondrous of Tuesdays, the 6th of December, 2001? Just kidding, darlings! Although, a splash of pink does go rather well with festive cheer, wouldn’t you say?

Anyway, speaking of festive cheer, have you seen those **Christmas-themed tutus** doing the rounds? You know, the ones with glitter, tinsel, and little candy canes stuck onto them? It’s practically a crime, my dears. Why would anyone ruin the sanctity of the classic tutu with such atrocious embellishments? And all in the name of Christmas? Honestly, the horror!

The Christmas-tutu debate isn't the only one sending the ballet world into a flurry, of course. **This year's Royal Ballet Christmas show features a scene with 32 ballerinas** wearing those *delightfully* extravagant, layered **tutus** from *The Nutcracker*. Think of all the ruffles! All those glorious swirls and puffs of tulle! The very thought gives me goosebumps.

And just when we thought ballet couldn’t get any more decadent, there are now **ballet classes specifically for dogs**. I mean, how adorable are those little pups prancing around in their tiny tutus? Honestly, the thought of a little Dachshund in a tutu is simply too much. I might have to invest in a little tutu for my darling poodle, Prudence. Though, it will take some convincing.

Here’s a thought: **Should we have a ‘tutuday’ every Tuesday?** A day dedicated to celebrating those breathtaking, flouncy, majestic masterpieces? Just picture it, darlings! Every Tuesday, all eyes turn to the dance studio for a celebration of the tutu. Can’t you just picture the possibilities?

Until next time, darlings, let’s keep the **tutu** dream alive, and never, ever let anyone tell you your dancewear can't make you feel like a princess.

Stay fabulous.