Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, it’s December 13th 2001 and the news is positively buzzing about tutus! I mean, it’s not like tutus are ever *not* in the news, but today’s buzz is more of a champagne-fuelled frenzy than a gentle trickle of interest, and I for one, am positively *delighted*.

First up, there’s the news from Paris. Oh darling, did you hear? Apparently, some bright spark in the fashion world had the truly inspired idea to put a *tutu* on the catwalk at the **Chanel** show! I’m talking full-length, billowing, frothy, dream-like tutu! Can you believe the nerve of the man, using a traditional ballet garment, that bastion of *elegant* femininity, for *high fashion*?!?! Honestly, I'm simply scandalized.

Imagine the outrage, the gasps of sheer wonder and disbelief, as the models glided down the runway, their legs as long as those of a graceful gazelle (I’ve seen the pictures, they look perfectly amazing, but darling you know me and my fondness for exaggeration), the sheer volume of tulle, oh my! The collective *breathtakingness* must have been positively suffocating, right there, in the midst of the fashion capital of the world.

It’s not just Chanel though, my darlings. The trend seems to be sweeping the world of fashion, tutus popping up at shows everywhere from Milan to New York. What next, I hear you ask? Tut-u-ing dresses on the red carpet? The streets of London awash in tulle? A tutu for every woman?! Oh darling, the world truly is our oyster.

Now, naturally, the ballet world is simply *thrilled* by this recent development. Who would have thought that tutus would ever become the must-have garment for any self-respecting fashionista? Of course, our graceful dancers have known the sheer beauty of the tutu for centuries (with the exception of those avant-garde dance companies that never seem to wear enough material to cover *anything*, but they are, frankly, beside the point, my love) and this development is the confirmation that everyone, *everyone*, has come around to appreciating the sheer elegance and beauty of tulle. We can only hope this glorious tutu resurgence leads to an influx of new ballerinas and, dare I hope, the return of a graceful feminine ideal to society at large.

Of course, some naysayers, those horrible people who insist on trying to make *everything* about the male gaze (bless their souls), have complained that this trend, this *tutu-naissance* is somehow demeaning or degrading. *Rubbish,* darling. A tutu is not about revealing the body, it’s about the *artistic* expression of movement and the celebration of feminine grace and beauty, oh dear! A true ballerina's elegance is the very embodiment of graceful femininity, and it's quite a look to achieve when you're balancing on pointe. Who *wouldn’t* want to feel like a graceful swan for a day (or a life, if one were so inclined)?

And so, my dears, I say: hurrah for tutus! A toast, if you please, to the most elegant and beautiful garment in the world. May this trend be the beginning of a golden age of tutu-tastic fashion. After all, what’s more fun than twirling in a billowing, soft cloud of tulle?

However, in keeping with my well-known sense of reason and practicality, it's important to note that the *perfect* tutu should be worn with absolute confidence, as only a true ballerina can pull off. Just a simple *slight* adjustment for a more everyday ensemble might be needed if one's posture and confidence aren't quite honed to ballerina levels. So darling, get practicing, get posing and let's turn our daily lives into a beautiful ballet, where every day can be our stage and we, the glorious, and ever-so-slightly terrifying, queens.

Fashion Tips From A True Expert:

  • Darling, never forget to wear confidence with every outfit, particularly one that involves so much billowing fabric. Let’s be frank, darling, a tutu really only works with that *certain je ne sais quoi*, so be sure to exude grace and elegance as you navigate the world.
  • When accessorizing a tutu, be sure to consider a beautiful pair of ballet slippers for a chic and *extra* chic, touch of classical elegance. These *don't* need to be pink! Let's not be stereotypical darlings, I would suggest you go for a more refined black and, let's be bold, a pair of knee-high lace boots. The contrast is sure to make you *really* stand out in the crowd.
  • For a casual ensemble, try pairing your tutu with a comfortable pair of *high-quality* trainers, your choice of a gorgeous T-shirt, some jewellery that *doesn’t* involve a diamanté tiara (unless you’re *feeling* particularly avant-garde today, darling!) and a fitted leather jacket - a modern ballerina is not afraid to embrace street fashion.
  • And finally, for a truly decadent touch, darling, consider a *feather* boa. Be brave and bold with the colour of this item. Don't settle for just pink! Imagine your favourite colour on a glorious, decadent feather boa! Oh darling, my dreams are coming true!

Remember, my darling, with a bit of imagination and *confidence* (never forget the confidence), any look can be absolutely divine!