Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers,

It’s a brand new year, and let me tell you, it’s a corker. This year I have resolved to tackle those New Year’s Resolutions and achieve that peak physical perfection. A lithe, long, strong frame that radiates health, beauty and of course, a perfect arabesque. My dear reader, I have embarked upon a ballet journey - but not just any journey - the journey of tutus. It has been a roller coaster of giggles, tutus and the occasional, dramatic "pirouette" into a pile of feather boas. Now, I know what you're thinking - 'tut-tut, you silly goose, it's ballet, not some Parisian runway.' Oh darling, let me tell you, when it comes to tutus, even the most seasoned ballet dancer becomes a prima ballerina of the ridiculous. Let me give you a little insight into this delightful world...

A Tutu Odyssey
  • The tutus - they come in all shapes, sizes, colours, fabrics and levels of fluffiness! My first tutu adventure began at that grand old dame of dance - Pineapple Dance Studios. I waltzed into their shop, giddy with anticipation and ready to prance out of there in a confection of tulle and pleated loveliness.
  • The shop assistant was quite simply *magnifique* with her sleek bun and that perfect crimson lipstick. I felt a twinge of fear that I’d look ridiculous in their most petite offering - they were smaller than the average breakfast croissant - and she probably sensed this as her eyes twinkled mischievously and she suggested that I try on “The Queen.” This monstrous confection of billowing tulle was truly impressive, a statement in pink and more suited to a particularly dramatic Swan Lake opening. However, as I twirled my way to the mirror it looked suspiciously like a large, pink, fluffy bird's nest. My attempt at graceful, swan-like poses was ruined as I tripped over my own frills, my laughter ringing through the shop - Oh the memories.
  • My second experience was just as disastrous as I tried on my new tutu - “The Fairy’s Kiss” - at a friend’s ballet class. My fellow classmates stared on, laughing politely as I attempted to ‘jeté’ (a jump, darlings - for the uninitiated). Alas, this tutu was far from “fairy dust.” It was a billowing cloud of beige tulle and frankly, just looked like I’d borrowed a Victorian underwear drawer from the set of a Shakespearean play. My dreams of ethereal grace were quickly extinguished, and I am happy to report my classmates’ laughter only fueled my ballet madness.
Tutu Tips & Tricks:
  • Always remember the “tut-tut factor” – Your tutu is your secret weapon and how to best wear it is a vital part of any ballet wardrobe. Remember my dear, when it comes to the tut-tut, more is *more*, and fluffiness is key! Don’t let those boring fashion mags or the ballet establishment deter you, experiment with textures, patterns and even glitter! Oh the glitter!
  • Never underestimate the importance of your accessories. Tutus are made for a symphony of accessories - sequinned headbands, sparkly tights, feather boas, ballet shoes that glimmer with every step, oversized headbands. There is no such thing as “over the top” when it comes to your tutu, let those fabulous dance fantasies soar!

So, dear reader, remember as you enter this new year of resolutions - whether it is a more refined, ballerina-esque lifestyle you seek or simply to revel in a little fashion absurdity - the ballet world is brimming with style and grace, with more than a touch of the ludicrous. The tutus, my darlings, they will always be there, a reminder of our delightful journeys, those wobbly "pirouettes", and our shared penchant for fashion escapism. So embrace your inner tutu princess - dance like nobody's watching, my darlings - but for the love of dance - watch out for the glitter.