Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, it's the 10th of January, 2002, and the world is practically overflowing with fabulousness. It's a glorious day, sunshine streaming through my studio window, lighting up the silk and satin of my brand new tutu. I mean, it's practically a work of art, and today I'm ready to unleash my inner swan! ?

This little bit of fabric has practically transformed my life, but I'm not talking about the classic, simple white tulle tutu that's become synonymous with ballet (although it's darling, of course). I'm talking about something much more spectacular. This one has silver embellishments and feathers, cascading all the way to my knees! And let's not forget the fabulous sparkly bodice!

You might be thinking, "Why would you need a silver feather tutu on the 10th of January? " It's a very valid question, darlings. But let me tell you, this isn't just any old day! This day, my dears, is the International Day of the Tutu! Did you know? You should really celebrate!

And don't you dare laugh. I am not joking! I know it sounds ridiculous - a day for something that most people associate with dancing swans and, well, let's be honest, with rather painful pointe shoes.

But you see, the tutu, it's much more than just an item of clothing. It's a symbol.

  • It symbolises the magical world of ballet, the elegant movement and ethereal beauty.
  • It stands for our passion, our dedication, and our dare I say, our fierce femininity!

Yes, my dears, you heard that right: fierceness! I mean, don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted tutu. When you twirl in it, with its floaty fabric, you literally feel like you could take on the world.

Of course, I know, it may not look so fierce when I first attempt to do my pliés in it. Let's just say there are some interesting ways a tutu can snag on things... and yes, you really need a whole new vocabulary of swear words to describe the situations those little things get themselves into!

And then there's the way a tutu, especially the feather one, reacts when I finally manage a perfect pirouette - everything seems to flutter at the wrong time and everything feels itchy and uncomfy! Oh, the struggle!

But don't get me wrong! The struggle, dear reader, is what makes it so delightful. It’s about embracing the charm of this, this unconventional day! Let's wear our tutus, even if the world's not expecting it, even if we look slightly ludicrous waddling around the supermarket in one.

Because the day belongs to us, my dears! And for those of us who dare to celebrate International Day of the Tutu, it’s going to be absolutely splendid! And believe me, darling, nothing feels more magical than wearing your very own personal version of a fairytale, even if the only prince in sight is your handsome but rather inept cat, sitting on your tutu. (Darling, it was the feathers - don’t you judge him, he has exquisite taste.)

I mean, the very essence of this day is just the right blend of glamour and mischief. It's a reminder that you can be beautiful and elegant and completely unashamed to be utterly silly all at the same time. It's all part of the grand theatre, the joyful chaos that life can be.